
Well-Known Member
Ok where do I start? Between LHCF and Google I have more oils in the bathroom than I know what to do with! LOL So Ive been mixing a ripe avocado, EVOO, honey, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, shea butter, aloe vera juice, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, castor oil, ylang ylang, rosemary oil, bountiful tresses and yesterday added lavender and thyme oil. I THINK thats everything but I cant be sure. :rolleyes: I usually sit under the dryer with this mixture or try to keep it in overnight. Most of the natural moisturizing recipes Ive seen call for 2, 3 maybe 4 of these ingredients so I just thought what the heck and added them all together! Can you tell Im anxious? Am I wasting my money? Is this just overkill?

Thanks in advance! :grin:
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sounds like overkill. why dont you just mix the avocado with the honey and 1 maybe 2 oils?
With all the ingredients and all the back and forth to the kitchen I feel like Im cooking!!!! LOL I guess I should have mentioned that I do this as a pre-poo. I cant say that I have noticed any adverse effects on the contrary, people have been telling me that my hair looks healthier. Over the summer I was wearing a washing and go so I was able to do this treatment more often but with a lot fewer oils and I did see a drastic difference the first time I washed and set my hair. Now that Ive added the avocado and new oils I cant say that Ive noticed a significant difference but Im wondering if I will over time....
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It seems like a lot of stuff, but most hair products have way more ingredients. If it's working, then keep doing it.
With all the ingredients and all the back and forth to the kitchen I feel like Im cooking!!!! LOL I guess I should have mentioned that I do this as a pre-poo. I cant say that I have noticed any adverse effects on the contrary, people have been telling me that my hair looks healthier. Over the summer I was wearing a washing and go so I was able to do this treatment more often but with a lot fewer oils and I did see a drastic difference the first time I washed and set my hair. Now that Ive added the avocado and new oils I cant say that Ive noticed a significant difference but Im wondering if I will over time....

Well, if you don't notice any harmful effects on your hair from using it I don't see why you should stop.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: you ain lyin. I have so many conditioners, DC's, ORS packets and glycerin than I know what to do with

ETA: im outta AVJuice soo if you need anyone to take that off your hands I'd be moreeee than happy to do so:)
If you want a scalp oil for growth, I'd say all u need is peppermint and rosemary (added to a carrier like EVOO or coconut oil).

If you're looking for a moisture-locking mix, I'd say go with the EVOO, coconut oil, avocado and honey.

Basically, It all depends on what u want the oils to do for you.
If you want a scalp oil for growth, I'd say all u need is peppermint and rosemary (added to a carrier like EVOO or coconut oil).

If you're looking for a moisture-locking mix, I'd say go with the EVOO, coconut oil, avocado and honey.

Basically, It all depends on what u want the oils to do for you.
WHY OH WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME ABOUT ANOTHER OIL???? CANT YOU SEE I HAVE A PROBLEM!?!??!? LMAO I know the people at the health store think Im crazy! LOL (note to self: buy peppermint oil)

Ok...I will admit that I can be a bit slow at times. I think I should be using the ylang ylang, lavender, rosemary and thyme oil on my scalp regularly for growth and the rest for moisture. DUH!!!!
girl, i prepoo with a mixture of avocado, castor, coconut, macadamia nut, jojoba, sesame, and sweetalmond. but u do add other stuff. i personally havent had any issue. I've done honey with 3 or 4 oils before. i've done the carmel treatment with 3 or 4 oils before. didn't really like how that went. if you haven't had any adverse affects i dont see the problem.

In agreement with msa, alot of my "mostly natural" products have just as much. the not so natural ones have even more
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I don't see how it can be overkill since most products have lots of ingredients. My only argument which I am guilty of myself is it possible for them to all really work when they are competing at once. Just like when some talk about layering products can the outermost one work if it has to go through tons of other stuff to do it's job.

If its working for you I say keep doing it. We all have something we do that we feel is "overkill"