Out of lurk and into the light


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

this is my first time posting on this forum, I was in lurk status since 2009 and finally I subscribed to this forum this year in order to join the many challenges on this hair board.
It's been 2 years since I started my hair journey, during my journey I was natural for a few months(around 5 months) then texlaxed my hair and after 4 months I decided to go natural and I never looked back again. :spinning::drunk:

I decided to go back to natural because of not wanting to do a relaxer touch up every 4 months(laziness:rolleyes:) and my fine hair, a fuller look(thanks to 4b/4c hair) fits my big head better. :lachen:

I am now a SL natural but thanks to shrinkage not even my mom knows and keeps pressuring me to get a relaxer. (NEVER!!! I like my hair so much)

I can't wait to get to APL and show her that our type of hair grows.

See you in around the forum. :yep:

Glad you decided to join us. Im sure you will find what you are looking for and will have a lot of help on your journey.

See you around the board :-)


Will my bun do??
