

New Member
Just a quick question ... I have an absurd amount of products. I have storage carts on wheels. My question is can someone please tell me how I should organize all this stuff. I.e. conditioners, leave ins, etc. Explicit details would be nice lol.


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*I have my things grouped by line (unopened bottles)
*A crate of "Use First" that stays within arms reach
*I have industrial sized shelving and on the shelves are large baskets and shallow wicker crates. If its too far out of sight I'll think I need more and buy dupes, or new items
*A crate of things I do not like, if I don't revisit them in a certain time frame I gift the item to someone else or put a "free please take" or gift at a meetup.

I also have an inventory list on the baskets that have open bottles. Looking at the tops of small bottles can be frustrating, esp. w/multiple baskets. - listing really helps


but by the end of 2011 I will be down to one crate of hair items.
I have one of those small carts with wheels stashed in the second bedroom where I keep the products I don't use frequently. The conditioners I use for DC are in the laundry closet in a basket. In the bathroom I have an over-the-toilet cabinet (the ones that go on the sides and above the toilet) and I keep my most frequently used products(serums,sprays,oils,moisturizer).

There are a lot of pjs in this forum, I'm sure more people will chime in.
This is definitely helpful so far ladies. Thank you

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Oh yes, styling products, oils/growth aides, 'tubes' or trial size/samples, henna/ayuveda

they all have their own containers