~~One year later: My Update w/PICS~~


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone :wave: Thanks for checking in!

I worked hard for a whole year to get my hair back in shape, and thanks to this website and all you ladies tips and tricks, I finally feel in control of my hair care journey. So big hugs to everyone and I hope my progress inspires someone to keep up with their routine like many of you have inspired me!!!


March 2007

September 2007

March 2008: Damp and detangled/flat-ironed w/1/2'' trim
wow neck length to APL!!!

that's a productive year! your hair looks great. keep it growin girl!:yep::yep:
ur right, this place is inspirational... what is your routine?
Gee, thanks for the support everyone! It really means a lot to me :) I'm so glad I found this site when I did!

My regimine is pretty straight forward and can be found in my journal. It details all the products I have in my possession and whiich one's I actually use on a regular basis.

--I wash 1x a week w/ Garnier fructis. DC with every wash w/ heat
--Keep my hair in a bun for the week.
--"Texlax" every 12 weeks with Designer Touch Sensitive scalp formula
--Only use direct heat after my touch up to check length then continue to bun from there until next touch up.
--I used Lenzi's Request for about 10 out of 12 months; I didn't see excessive growth but it kept my NG feeling good.
--I just recently made a MN mixture that I used while I had a sew-in (4 weeks in Jan and 3 weeks in Feb) that most def gave me growth.

HTH! Thanks again, ya'll.
Great progress :yep:

I love this board. I see women join with badly damaged hair and a couple of years later have gorgeous healthy hair. Just goes to show what a little information and some determination can do.