One side grows faster than the other


New Member
Do any of you ladies have problems with hair growing faster on one side than the other? My hair grows faster on the right than it does on the left.

What do you do for this? Do you cut your hair even until it all catches up or do u just let is have its way? I am natural by the way.
Yeah, I've been really noticing lately that the left side of my hair is longer than the right. I'm natural also, so I think it could have something to do with the curl pattern. The curls on the right are tighter and more defined. I won't really know if my hair is uneven until I straighten it.
Yeah, I've been really noticing lately that the left side of my hair is longer than the right. I'm natural also, so I think it could have something to do with the curl pattern. The curls on the right are tighter and more defined. I won't really know if my hair is uneven until I straighten it.

ditto, the right side coils a tad more tightly. it also looks thinner because i have a random 4b patch at my left temple. come on hair, i want you to be symmetrical! :rolleyes:

i dunno about uneven side growth, but the back grows faster than the front. :wallbash:
Yeah, my left side grows faster then my left. I trimmed, stretched my hair, and used a growth aide on the side that was growing slower.
ditto, the right side coils a tad more tightly. it also looks thinner because i have a random 4b patch at my left temple. come on hair, i want you to be symmetrical! :rolleyes:

i dunno about uneven side growth, but the back grows faster than the front. :wallbash:

My is exactly the same way except that my right side is a typical 3c, the left is a larger 3c and rest are just waves...:nono:. The back grows so much faster than the front oh and the front has very loose waves...(like a 2) The middle is like a 3b... I really don't understand what is going on. I really wish my head could get itself together. To top it off all of those people who say that 3s don't have kinky/nappy hair has obviously not seen my hair. My hair is coarse and textured, in other words...Napppppy (as my SO likes to call it)....:lachen::lachen:He too is perplexed by it...
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To top it off all of those people who says that oh 3 don't have kinky/nappy hair has obviously not seen my hair. My hair is coarse and textured, in other words...

girl please them people don't know what they're talking about. my SO has type 1 hair and it's still afro-textured. :rolleyes:

and what is with the tighter-textured hair growing faster? is our hair trying to balance itself out since the looser-textured hair "looks" longer or what? :lachen:
girl please them people don't know what they're talking about. my SO has type 1 hair and it's still afro-textured. :rolleyes:

and what is with the tighter-textured hair growing faster? is our hair trying to balance itself out since the looser-textured hair "looks" longer or what? :lachen:

yeah my left side grows much faster too--and the back grows the fastest----its like my hair grows in a modified "V shape"---whatever ill just have to deal
My left side grows faster than the right and it's always been like that. So what I did was use Minoval for 3 months on the right side. My hair grew past the left side and then some and now (for some reason) both sides grow evenly.
my right side grows faster than my left. I also believe that the way you sleep it has a great impact on your hair as well. I sleep mainly on my left side which could be the reason as to why it's shorter than the right. So, now I am starting to even up how on which side i sleep on.
Checking in! My right side grows faster than my left side. Buttttttt, my left side is thicker than my right side! I leave it alone and let it do what it do for right now b/c I'm not doing any major trimming till my hair reaches BSL.
My is exactly the same way except that my right side is a typical 3c, the left is a larger 3c and rest are just waves...:nono:. The back grows so much faster than the front oh and the front has very loose waves...(like a 2) The middle is like a 3b... I really don't understand what is going on. I really wish my head could get itself together. To top it off all of those people who say that 3s don't have kinky/nappy hair has obviously not seen my hair. My hair is coarse and textured, in other words...Napppppy (as my SO likes to call it)....:lachen::lachen:He too is perplexed by it...

Ditto, kiddo. My textures are like a pot of gumbo :ohwell: and to add insult to injury, my left side is thicker/nappier but the right is longer and gets great definition and the top stays bustin loose waves. This is exactly why I'm not feeling that hair caste-ification (yea I made it up). None of the type descriptions really match what I got going on!
LOL-look at the sig! i been tryin for years. It seems like when i cut the other side that side grows longer. Dont know.
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The left blooms and flourishes better than the right for some odd reason. Yeah, I guess it does have something to do with sleeping on the opposite side. I am an all time right side sleeper anyway.
My left grows faster and much more thicker than my right. It's weird because I sleep on my left side. It's really irritating (the difference in thickness, that is)
Yep :yep:, my right side grows faster than my left and it was really noticeable when I used to wrap my hair years ago :ohwell:.
You know, my hair grows faster on the right side than the left and I've always thought it's because I tend to sleep more on one side than the others.

I use to believe that but now I don't think it has nothing to do with what side you sleep one. One side of my whole body is a little bigger than the other and the hair on that side tend to grow just a little bit more than the other. Just take notice and let all your hair grow you may find a pattern. Like one armpit has more hair than the other if you let it get that far and it just so happen to be the same side that the hair on your head grows fastest. But Just my 2 pennies.
My hair is the same way! my left side grows faster and thicker than my right !
Cutting does not help it to even out , been there done that :grin: Thus far the right side id thinner than the left ...but I praying for wisdom as to correct this me pray
Yeah, my right grows longer than my left. I'm so tired of having to cut it just to match the left. I don't know what else to do though.:sad:

Ditto, and its much thicker. I've cut the right side 3 times (about 3 inches) and its still half an inch longer than the left. It seems most of my hair grows at .25 a month while the right grows at .5 *sigh*... But I'm not cutting anymore even though I hate lopsided hair :wallbash:.
Checking in. My right side is less curly and grows like a weed and the left side, well, let's just say, it's not actin' like the right side at all :nono:.

I always end up cutting it even because it's so noticeable.:sad: