One Poo Rule


New Member
Hey ladies

If you're like me, growing up you probably had your hair washed once a week. By this time you hair had A LOT of grease and dirt in it from all those scalp greasings and playing outside.

In your teens you may have started using a lot of products in your hair and found it necessary to shampoo several times to get it out.

Yet, today, many of us are using very little product to maintain our hair between washings. I personal just use a lil avocado butter and sometimes castor oil.

Thanks to macherieamour I simply dab my butter now and not glop.

So when I wash my hair (which is usually more than once a week these days) it's not as dirty as it was back in those hair greasing days. Sure there is oil, dirt, smoke, and air pollutions, but it's nothing like when I was a child.

Reading this ( )
article on macherieamours site really made me think. So tonight when I pooed I just rinsed my hair for about 5 minutes under the water then I worked in some nexxus phtyo organics theratin shampoo. I used enough for my hair to feel covered and slightly soapy with minimal suds. Then I just really worked the product in to my hair and scalp with the pads of my fingers for about 3 minutes then rinsed.

My hair came out feeling so clean but not stripped and had more sleep then when I shampoo two or three times.

If you're like me and you're washing frequnetly and not using a lot of product ... give the one poo rule a try. You might be pleasantly surprised. I'm also finding that this makes me conditioners work better because I'm not starting with stripped down hair.

I do this. I've been doing so for a while now. I don't remember where I learnt it from though. You're correct, the hair doesn't feel stripped.
I also try to shampoo my hair once. I think I learned it from Cathy Howse. Thats the downside to going to salons, esp Dominican ones, they want to wash your hair 10 times to get it squeaky STRIPPED!
I lather once too. Sometimes I use more than one shampoo, but I only lather once with each.

I remember years ago 20/20 did a segment about personal care items (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste etc.). They asked the manufacturer's representatives about the directions on the bottle. For hair products, in particular the directions that said "Lather, rinse, repeat." The correspondent asked what repeating would do. The representative said and I quote, "That's just something people like to do." Meaning, people do it+use more product+buy more often=they make more money. It made no difference in how the product worked.

After watching that, I also just the amount of toothpaste I use per brushing in half. I didn't know you don't have to cover the length of the toothbrush, like it shows on the box and in ads. You only need a pea-sized amount.