One Brotha's Pont of View on Natural Hair

Thanks so much. I am now interested in his other videos. I don't get along with the male species enough to get these answers out of them. lol
that was cute. I did think he knew a little too much at first. LOL. I saw in his comments that he learned alot from his ex girlfrieind. so I was like oh, ok.
Wow, I'm definitely feeling this "brotha" right here!
'bout time I see a brotha who's aware of the deeper social and cultural reasons why some women BC :yep:
Wow, he was on it! Ex-gf learned or not..don't kill the effort just because of that, lol. As much as I yak on and on about hair, while my fiance knows some terms, he didn't know half of those! He wasn't hard to look at either...:look:
dang, where were the brothas like him when I was in high school sporting my fro? His ex really put him on it, talking about sealing and everything :lachen:
He is attractive! And it's refreshing to hear some positivity from a brotha! I think men are the reason so many women won't go natural...
Wow. Nice. We could start him a little dating site up in here...with all the cuteness and knowledge about the HHJ!