OMG!! My Hair Is Coming Out in Globs!!!


New Member
Today, I switched back to WGO. After 2 months of using Kemi-Oyl my hair is now in horrible's coming out in globs.

Kemi-Oyl is too watery for me! This didn't happen to me when I was using WGO from Oct 2003-Dec 2004 hair was striving with heat! I'm glad that I’ve realized what the problem was after only two months. Hopefully I’ve caught it in just in time. I don't know yet, but I'm letting air-dry as I'll see tomorrow.

I can't use Kemi-Oyl, because I need something to protect my hair from heat. WGO did and does!

I thought to myself that Kemi-Oyl was watery when used it for the first time. Oh well I should have known that it wasn’t protecting enough for me after thinking that it was too watery.
WOW! that sounds scary. I'm glad you've identified the culprit and hopefully your hair will stop shedding. I've recently discovered WGO and I'm loivng the results so far.
Thanks Armqt! I'm hoping that I could turn it around. I just realized that yes I did notice hair STARTING to come out by mid Jan...but it wasn't enough to realize that something was wrong. I washed it Friday and a huge glob came out and it still didn't really hit me...I thought that maybe it was shedding. I air-dry it, I never blow it out straight(only about 30 secs) and flat ironed it. I keep looking in the mirror and feeling it...and thinking something's wrong. It wouldn't lay right and it didn't look right. I thought that I put too much oil in it, so I washed it today and deep conditioned it 2 hours ago. OMG...another huge glob! OK...I'm no longer in denial. My hair is not just shedding it is coming out.
Tru, I'm sorry for the hair issue.

Question, are you experiencing any hormonal changes? Do you think that your hair problem is strictly product related?
webby said:
Tru, I'm sorry for the hair issue.

Question, are you experiencing any hormonal changes? Do you think that your hair problem is strictly product related?

That's a good point to consider Webby.
do you think it might be the heat and not the product? also you might need to see a's not normal for hair to just come out like that. it might be hormonal.
webby said:
Tru, I'm sorry for the hair issue.

Question, are you experiencing any hormonal changes? Do you think that your hair problem is strictly product related?

No, at least I don't think so. I bought Kemi-Oyl a couple of weeks after my first WGO bottle...Nov 2003. I tried it out and I remember saying that it made my hair look and feel dry compared to WGO. I always felt this way about Kemi-Oyl...and I never used it again until about 2 months ago.

About 2 months ago I mentioned in my hair ablum that my Kemi-Oyl hair pics looked dry, but it also felt dry too. Dry hair is not good with heat...that was my warning!

I'm trying to download a pic...but my computer is acting stupid right now!
Tru sorry to hear about your hair, hopefully you will rectify the problem quickly.
mkstar826 said:
do you think it might be the heat and not the product? also you might need to see a's not normal for hair to just come out like that. it might be hormonal.

It's definitely the heat, but WGO protected my hair against heat damage.

I already see a little difference after 3 hours with WGO...because I would be scratching my head right now.

My transition was really needed I was worried about my scalp more than my hair, because my scalp was really damaged and dry for years I know that even though I have not been relaxing for over a year it will take much longer for my scalp get my scalp in it's best condition.

WGO is feeling good on my scalp and hair right now.
Sorry I don't have any answers, Tru_Mind. I just wanted to give you my condolences and wishes for a speedy recovery. I can totally relate to the heart-break of hair coming out in globs: my hair was coming out by the palm-fulls late last year; turns out I was pregnant and the hormonal changes, though not typical but not too unusual, were causing it, according to the nurses. I'm glad you've identified the culprit and I wish you happy hair growing!
oh no! i hope you don't lose that beautiful head of hair of yours, tru_mind. if WGO is working for you, stick with it. ;)
Poohbear said:
oh no! i hope you don't lose that beautiful head of hair of yours, tru_mind. if WGO is working for you, stick with it. ;)
I'm sticking with it this time!! Thanks Poohbear! I'm glad my hair is still short, because if it was long OH BOY!!
Nyambura said:
Sorry I don't have any answers, Tru_Mind. I just wanted to give you my condolences and wishes for a speedy recovery. I can totally relate to the heart-break of hair coming out in globs: my hair was coming out by the palm-fulls late last year; turns out I was pregnant and the hormonal changes, though not typical but not too unusual, were causing it, according to the nurses. I'm glad you've identified the culprit and I wish you happy hair growing!

OMG!! Sounds familiar, but I'm not pregnant. I've always have used my hand to slick my hair back and yes it has been filled with strings of hair. I guess the last two times I just happened to collect the strands instead of rinsing the strands off my hand.

OMG!! Our sink did clog on Thursday, before I washed on Friday. I might have been loosing hair the whole 2 months.

I'm saying "loosing hair" but I do mean breakage.
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I had to dig out my Split Ender and scissors this time. I forgot that I even had a Split Ender.

I ran the Split Ender through every hair on my head AND trimmed and shaped the ends of my hair with scissors.

My hair looks and feels like its back to normal...even though I set myself back about 3 months total.

Whew!!! I got rid of all the split ends caused by breakage (which I saw as globs of hair), but yeah I was just experiencing a lot of breakage in a short period of time, so I really can't call it globs.

Oh well, I panicked…now the panic is over!
TruMind, sorry to hear about your hair loss/breakage. I'm glad that you found out what the problem was and found a solution. I don't know what your routine is but if you haven't already you might want to try Aubrey's GPB (light protein conditioner) to help strengthen your strands and use a good moisturizing conditioner. You may be comfortable with what you are using but I just wanted to suggest something since I have been through alot in the past year with my hair and I am transitioning as well and I know how it is sometimes. I have also tried many different products and finally I am sticking with what works for me. Anyway you may also want to try a good heat protectant along with the wgho (which I also use and love) just to be on the safe side. HTH
Glad hear everythings is alright Tru! I got a bit excited reading this...:lol: WGO definitely works well with heat. Other oils will just make your hair "fry".
Besides horomonal changes, heat, lack of moisture, etc., what are other causes of hair coming out it in globs? I have this problem too, SEVERELY. Every month, my hair is shorter and shorter, I've lost at least six inches since October and I'm scared that eventually, I will be bald. Since I've elimnated all the bad things (heat, combing) and increased all the good things (moisture, deep conditioning, vitamins, low manipulation, etc.), I'm at a loss as to what I am doing wrong. Everyday, still breakage and every month, still shorter.

I'm thinking about trying a Dominican salon since I've heard such good things about their hair care practices.
Thanks for your comment ladies...a lesson is learned!!

Musiclova I have been eying Aubrey's GPB off and on online. I'm trying not to become a product junkie again...and I have heard that Aubrey's GPB is an excellent product...but I use Lekair, because I can find it at Wal-Mart. I would have to order Aubrey's GPB online...and I just ordered a Tancho Stick. I don't know how that happened, but it did...LOL. I just get lazy with the deep conditioning. I start off deep conditioning every time I wash and then I stop. Regular deep conditioning could have saved my hair too.

I'm sure that I'll be trying Aubrey's GPB soon musiclova!
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LegallySpeaking said:
Besides horomonal changes, heat, lack of moisture, etc., what are other causes of hair coming out it in globs? I have this problem too, SEVERELY. Every month, my hair is shorter and shorter, I've lost at least six inches since October and I'm scared that eventually, I will be bald. Since I've elimnated all the bad things (heat, combing) and increased all the good things (moisture, deep conditioning, vitamins, low manipulation, etc.), I'm at a loss as to what I am doing wrong. Everyday, still breakage and every month, still shorter.

I'm thinking about trying a Dominican salon since I've heard such good things about their hair care practices.

LegallySpeaking after reading your comment and mine I am convinced that it's lack of moisture wheter heat is use or not.
I was just viewing my own hair ablum...and I see that using Wild Growth Hair Oil for over a year is the reason why my hair in the Kemi-Oyl pics looked so healthy.

Wild Growth Hair Oil gets the credit for the healthy condition of my hair in those Kemi-Oyl pics(MY AVATAR), because those pictures were taken only after using Kemi-Oyl twice.

Why did I have to switch?!?!?! Everything was going so well!

...and I was wondering why my wet hair didn't feel silky anymore after shampooing. Now I know why, because the only thing that I changed was the oil.
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