OMG im so happy


Active Member
hello FELLOW members!!!!!
im so glad i can finally say this!!!! i finally subscribed after years of lurking!!!!! lol so i wanna introduce myself. you guys and this websites have been detrimental to me taking care of my hair...but unfortunately I've hit a road block :sad: my hair is neck length, almost shoulder length, but i've been on this journey for almost 2 years (2 yrs in may)...needless to say i should be at apl or almost there by now (i started off with a bc, so basically no hair) ive cut like one or two inches in the kitchen area over the years cause it would just break and it's still breaking! when it's dry it's ok, it doesn't break really, but when it's wet!?! my oh my it's breakage galore. i use motions cpr and sometimes aphogee 2 step and to moisturize i use s curl no drip when im not flat ironing (i only flat iron the front cause i leave it out, i dont flat iron the rest of my hair..its always in a pony) and when i am i use m.o.m.
a little info on my hair: 4b mostly, relaxed with ors lye.
any help is appreciated!!!

ps.:i know i have split ends..............................................but im scared to cut hair is already short as is...but if push comes to shove.........
Hello and welcome to the board. I cannot really offer advice as I am new myself but I am sure that these lovely ladies will be happy to help.
Well hello there I am sure other will chime in soon.

Are you following the advice of how to apply the relaxer
How many times are you using a curling iron
Do you deep condition
Are you covering your ends to protect them
Are you air drying or blow drying then putting it up in a pony
It is winter so are you covering your pony tail with hats and caps and wool wraps right now

I am sure some relaxed heads will chime in soon. Welcome aboard
Welcome-I came aboard not so long ago. I am only now starting to see progress in my own hair but it looks to be very promising. I would say to check out a lhcf celeb and deservingly so. Look on Fotki and You Tube for Sylver2. Her regimine is low manipulation. I am a reformed product junkie. I now know it's not about that products (but they do play a role). Give up that constant use of a flat iron. I currently wash with a no sulfate shampoo, deep condition, moisturize and cornrow it back. I wear a lace front wig/wig cap and forget about it. You will be amazed at your progress when you just leave it alone. Good luck on your journey.
how often do you wash? Do you deep condition? I would recommend pre-pooing with coconut oil overnight before you wash. I've learned a lot about coconut oil and it prevents the hair cuticle from swelling when it gets wet. It also prevents protein loss from the cuticle.
Hopefully some other ladies will chime in with more helpful tips :)

by the way :welcome3:
Maybe you're using too much protein. Is the CPR Motions a protein conditioner? I know the Aphogee is. Maybe focus on DCing with a moisturizing conditioner. I really like the Aubrey Organics conditioners. I use the AO GPB conditioner (a light protein), and I follow up with AO White Camelia (sp?) which is moisturizing. You might want to focus on moisturizing first.

Also, are you moisturizing daily when you're flat ironing? After you moisturize, are you sealing your hair with an oil or butter?

How often do you relax?

Welcome to the board!
Well hello there I am sure other will chime in soon.

Are you following the advice of how to apply the relaxer

How many times are you using a curling iron
where my hair is breaking (kitchen) almost never, but in the front which is just fine, maybe like once a week
Do you deep condition
i do but i dont think it helps at all, doesnt make my hair softer or n e thing
Are you covering your ends to protect them
i cover my hair before going to sleep during the day its in a pony
Are you air drying or blow drying then putting it up in a pony
i just wash then air dry then put in a pony
It is winter so are you covering your pony tail with hats and caps and wool wraps right now
I am sure some relaxed heads will chime in soon. Welcome aboard


answers in bold
Maybe you're using too much protein. Is the CPR Motions a protein conditioner? I know the Aphogee is. Maybe focus on DCing with a moisturizing conditioner. I really like the Aubrey Organics conditioners. I use the AO GPB conditioner (a light protein), and I follow up with AO White Camelia (sp?) which is moisturizing. You might want to focus on moisturizing first.

i do have the aussie 3 min conditioner and i know its not gonna cut it but i dont think dc do n e thing for me, my hair is not dry right now

Also, are you moisturizing daily when you're flat ironing? After you moisturize, are you sealing your hair with an oil or butter?
i moisturize with the m.o.m like daily when i flat iron

How often do you relax?
every 2 to 3 months

Welcome to the board!

answers in b/w ur questions

Everyone's asking the right questions. what's your dc situation and how often are you washing? get your moisture up perhaps? also, don't hold on to raggedy ends for the sake of length! health first, then length!

can i just be annoying and say: detrimental is not a positive word.
Hello linda86111! Glad you came to the boards! I'm a newbie too and learning a lot of things here. I'm sure many of the ladies here will have some great advice for you! :)
Welcome to the family. Sounds like your moisture/protein balance is out of whack. Check the threads for Moisture Protein Balance, I know there is plenty of info there. HHG (happy hair growing)

From one "newbie" to another, PLEASE get rid of the split ends. Hanging on to them for the sake of having length now will prevent you from having real length later. I didn't want to cut mine either but my hair looked a lot better after I did it. You want to start your HHJ with a solid foundation, and you can't build upon shaky ground.

Good luck! I know you'll be right on track in no time!! :grin:
hello FELLOW members!!!!!
im so glad i can finally say this!!!! i finally subscribed after years of lurking!!!!! lol so i wanna introduce myself. you guys and this websites have been detrimental to me taking care of my hair...but unfortunately I've hit a road block :sad: my hair is neck length, almost shoulder length, but i've been on this journey for almost 2 years (2 yrs in may)...needless to say i should be at apl or almost there by now (i started off with a bc, so basically no hair) ive cut like one or two inches in the kitchen area over the years cause it would just break and it's still breaking! when it's dry it's ok, it doesn't break really, but when it's wet!?! my oh my it's breakage galore. i use motions cpr and sometimes aphogee 2 step and to moisturize i use s curl no drip when im not flat ironing (i only flat iron the front cause i leave it out, i dont flat iron the rest of my hair..its always in a pony) and when i am i use m.o.m.
a little info on my hair: 4b mostly, relaxed with ors lye.
any help is appreciated!!!

ps.:i know i have split ends..............................................but im scared to cut hair is already short as is...but if push comes to shove.........

The bolded stands out to me. If it doesn't break when dry then that doesn't sound like you have too much moisture. But when wet is when you have the most breakage. Does it appear that as you comb through your hair, your hair seems to stretch and follow the comb and then breaks? If this is the case, then you need some protein. You should use the Apohgee 2 step and follow with the balancing moisturizer. Try doing a strand test on a shed hair to find out which one you are lacking whether it's protein or moisture just to be certain.
Check this site for more info on strand testing and protein/moisture balance.


ETA: And Welcome!!!
Welcome :hiya: . You sound just like me, I'm the same length, nearly same length of hair journey. Don't give up though! I think you just need to grow out all that old unhealthy/damaged hair before you get some good length. Good luck :)

Everyone's asking the right questions. what's your dc situation and how often are you washing? get your moisture up perhaps? also, don't hold on to raggedy ends for the sake of length! health first, then length!

can i just be annoying and say: detrimental is not a positive word.

lol thanks for correcting me! :blush: lol

i dc, but i dont think it helps at doesnt make my hair any softer, so i just do it cause you guys say i should...i guess, lol

yeah im gonna cut my hair...i think i might keep the front as is (since it's not in bad shape) and cut all the back...we'll see
Welcome aboard!!!! This is a great place to be with lovely ladies!!! Make yourself comfortable, take your notepad out and get ready for healthier hair! :)
OK Relaxed ladies, please dont throw rocks at me:peek:
But.... for years I used only a kiddie relaxer and wash and blow dried and curled my hair once a week ONLY for years. Once I stopped relaxing, blow drying and curling my hair I started to retain length. Now I either do wash n go's or if I want it straight I get it rollerset or blowed out!