OMG I Can Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Newbie here!!!


Dancin' on sunshine!

I am so happy :) I cannot believe it!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo! I have been lurking for so long and decided to take the plunge. First and foremost, let me tell you how wonderful you ALL are! I have learned so much from you: baggie method, protective styling, Aphogee, et cetera. I am always telling my husband about you all.

A little about me, I am born and raised in Queens. I am 26 years young. I took some pics while I was in Florida last week of my hair and will post them when I finish the roll. Currently, I think I am APL and my goal is BSL!! I think my hair type is 4a/4b.

Can someone please tell me how I make awesome signatures like you all have with pics and avatars? I am new to this. I am still grinning from ear-to-ear. My co-workers must think I am nuts :D

Welcome!!! I understand, I lurked for a year before becoming an official member :eek: You can edit your profile, signature, avitar by using the grey and blue bar on the left hand side of the screen. It says User CP. Nice to have you pretty haitian!!
Thanks! I love your clapping smiley face, it's cute. Your pics are nice also. I like the one with you in the green shirt, smiling :)
Welcome. I am sure that you will reach your goals with the advice of the ladies on the board. You obviously already know what a valuable resource they are. Also, don't hesitate to chime in with advice. We're all learning from one another. :)
Thanks again ladies. I am trying to do a fotki album. I won't call it a hair album yet, but I am trying :lol:
Welcome to the wonderful world of posting! :) We're glad to have you!
Hi there!
Welcome -- pretty soon, your hair will be so long, you won't know what to do with it
wantlonghealthyhair said:
Hey there prettyhaitian,

Welcome on board :newbie:
why don't you tell us some Haitian beauty and hair secrets ;)
Happy Hair Growing!!!!:grin:

I wish I knew some secrets. The only thing I can think of is this oil called, Lhuille Mascriti (spelling might be off). It smells horrible, tastes horrible, but works.