Okay..Which one of ya'll met my Momma today?!


Well-Known Member
So I just got home and my mom greets me all cheesing saying "Guess what? :grin: Guess who I met today?"...So then she goes on to tell me that after shopping, she and my father stop at MickyD's and she's standing behind this woman with "all this hair". I then go...oh brother, because she is notorious for telling random folk about her daughter who's "always online reading about hair " :look:(not something you want random strangers to know..yafeelme)

She said she kept staring at the back of this ladies head, trying to see if it was a weave, or "one of those lacefronts", then tapped her on the shoulder, and ya'll began talking about hair. Of course she mentions this site that apparently I'm always on
(I've cut down immensely....:rolleyes:)...and finds out she's a member.

Who is ya? She didn't remember your screen name. My mom said your hair was so thick and lovely, you had beautiful skin and use coconut oil, lol, and you looked like 15 years younger than you are! And thanks for being so nice...I know she can talk and talk for days :lol:!
wow, thats awesome!!, i had a few people stop me in a mcdonalds about my hair. i live in AC so its not me. i want sooo badly to run in to a cousin of niko!!
This thread is too cute..title and all (i couldn't help but come in). You and your mom are also too cute. And for our Nikos' cousin..How Sweet! (cause some of us (women) hate to be bothered with hair questions). I hope you find her.
Not to Hijack! But, Yes, BostonMaria, Me too! Lol, My son hates it, I talk to everybody, everywhere! In line at the grocery store, at the post office, the checkout lady, the mailman, Chile, its terrible! I'm just a people person! Woooo, Lemme stop, see what I'm talkin' bout! this post woulda went on for days! and had the nerve to say, "Not to Hijack" Lolllll! :yawn: My Bad!
Aww such a cute store......
I hope you find out who it is....I will be stalking this thread up until the person reveal herself!
Y'all had me grinning from ear to ear and as i read the OP's post i just kept getting more excited as i read the responses to see if the person would reveal herself.

Cute thread!
Aww........ how sweet!!! It wasn't me. I am a chatterbox and I'd be texting your mom right about now, LOL!
So adorable! Your mum's like mine, always talking. I hope that you find her! I'll be coming back to this thread to keep it bumped and find out who your Nikos' cousin is. :grin: