Okay this man is really testing my patience


Well-Known Member
Well my boyfriend in boston just called me right...
Yeah the one I was suppose to go see in Boston for Turkey day...

Nope, I didn't go(another long story)
Anyhow, we have had our issues over the last year on various things.

So he see's I am not playing about leaving his tail so he calls me up and we talking and he said to me:

Well I may go to the city for the day. I have to take my girl (let's call her mel) some music to take over seas before she leaves again. He was like so I may go to NY for the day and I "may" have to stay over night due to the hour of me actually getting up with her.

Now we had an incident a few months back that he was talking kind of fresh to this chick via myspace.(mel) They were friends prior to me and are really close. She really is tryingto get him heard overseas...But truth be told I don't like her nor do I care to meet her or have anything to do with this chick. So one of our issues before was told me he was going to do a video on day and he ended up spending the night at her house. But he lied and told me he stayed by his man house. He got caught and I laid into his tail-he said he didn't tell me b/c he knew how I was going to fly off the handle.. He also didn't want to tell me its was her b/c he didn't want me to look at her funny cause we will meet one day..I was like I Don't want to meet this chick.

Now I am at the point where we are walking a thin line. I Understand he is an artist and she is his pp's. I understand she has connects but what I don't understand is If u almost lost me before for lying and staying at her house. What would make you think I would be cool with it now cause you tellling me?

After he told me I was like oh ok...do what you gotta do..I talked to him for a lil while longer and got off the phone..This man is crazy..He is really crazy...

I am not being selfish am I? I just don't think it's appropriate for a man to be staying by some chick house when you got a girl..PERIOD....I don't care how cool you are or how many connects you have..

Lord give me the strength not to choke this man....:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
I don't think you are overreacting. If he knows that it makes you uncomfortable then he definitely take you feelings into consideration. Isn't a hotel/motel that he can stay in for the night?
Overreacting? You need to explicitly tell him it is not OK with you. He needs to find other sleeping arrangement or drive back to Boston.
Well I may go to the city for the day. I have to take my girl (let's call her mel) some music to take over seas before she leaves again. He was like so I may go to NY for the day and I "may" have to stay over night due to the hour of me actually getting up with her.

Fed Ex stopped delivering to NYC?

I agree with the previous poster. Its simply a matter of you not liking it and him not respecting your pov. In another relationship this would be fine. Not yours. Nothing wrong either way. I understand your frustration though.
Girl pls there is a hotel..
But I shouldn't and won't ask him to check into one..
He knew this chick was going overseas again b/c he knew last time she went. He could of mailed her the stuff he wants to go to NYC so he can go and when he returns he will be a single man..

He knows dayum well that I don't like this situation.
I am not even going to mention it..

I will wait until he leaves and calls me on his return home and I will break the news..

I Hope you had a great stay...Cause that just costed you our relationship..

I Just can't believe he thinks by telling me it's cool..
I didn't even say much..I just changed the subject and then before we hung up he going to say what's wrong..Nicca pls...
MY thoughts exactly...

Last I checked mail service was working FINE......
FED EX, UPS, USPS and whatever other carriers we got..

I think this is it for me..I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being selfish..


Well my boyfriend in boston just called me right...
Yeah the one I was suppose to go see in Boston for Turkey day...

Nope, I didn't go(another long story)
Anyhow, we have had our issues over the last year on various things.

So he see's I am not playing about leaving his tail so he calls me up and we talking and he said to me:

Well I may go to the city for the day. I have to take my girl (let's call her mel) some music to take over seas before she leaves again. He was like so I may go to NY for the day and I "may" have to stay over night due to the hour of me actually getting up with her.

Now we had an incident a few months back that he was talking kind of fresh to this chick via myspace.(mel) They were friends prior to me and are really close. She really is tryingto get him heard overseas...But truth be told I don't like her nor do I care to meet her or have anything to do with this chick. So one of our issues before was told me he was going to do a video on day and he ended up spending the night at her house. But he lied and told me he stayed by his man house. He got caught and I laid into his tail-he said he didn't tell me b/c he knew how I was going to fly off the handle.. He also didn't want to tell me its was her b/c he didn't want me to look at her funny cause we will meet one day..I was like I Don't want to meet this chick.

Now I am at the point where we are walking a thin line. I Understand he is an artist and she is his pp's. I understand she has connects but what I don't understand is If u almost lost me before for lying and staying at her house. What would make you think I would be cool with it now cause you tellling me?

After he told me I was like oh ok...do what you gotta do..I talked to him for a lil while longer and got off the phone..This man is crazy..He is really crazy...

I am not being selfish am I? I just don't think it's appropriate for a man to be staying by some chick house when you got a girl..PERIOD....I don't care how cool you are or how many connects you have..

Lord give me the strength not to choke this man....:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
sounds like you waiting a little to long to give him his walking papers. Honestly, from what you've posted, that's what he wanted.
Yeah that's what it seems to me that he wants his walking papers..

Since I made it clear not to lie and that I wasn't cool wit it.
I guess he may think I am cool and he didn't lie about it this time but...
I am not and he will see it..

Thanks ladies for all the advice..
Yeah that's what it seems to me that he wants his walking papers..

Since I made it clear not to lie and that I wasn't cool wit it.
I guess he may think I am cool and he didn't lie about it this time but...
I am not and he will see it..

Thanks ladies for all the advice..

As my late mother used to always say...
"I can show you better than I can tell you." :yep:
Good Luck Chica!
...But truth be told I don't like her nor do I care to meet her or have anything to do with this chick... He also didn't want to tell me its was her b/c he didn't want me to look at her funny cause we will meet one day..I was like I Don't want to meet this chick.

I dont get the bolded. Why not? I want to meet my SO's friends male and esp female. I particularly want to meet them before it gets to the - 'if I meet this b* I dont know what I might do to her ' phase. Keep your 'enemies' closer...
GIRL, what are you waiting for?? I WISH my SO would EVER tell me he was going to stay at ANOTHER woman's house!! I wouldn't wait to tell him it was over when he got back. He would already know so he would have to feel guilty about whatever activity he was participating in that made him have to stay in the first place! That is SO entirely inappropriate. As another woman I think it's your duty to let him know that! Maybe he will learn something from you and recognize that no woman of character would put up with some man trying to be close to another female. Otherwise he may think it's okay! You gotta treat men like dogs sometimes. Punish them when they are DOING the behavior (i.e., telling you). Don't wait until AFTER they've already done it!
If my man had the doggone NERVE to tell me he's staying at another woman's house, when he knows I'm not cool with it, and they were talking fresh???

I don't even like to think of what I'd say in response.

Girl, before the day was done I'd be packing his crap up in a box and mailing his **** back to his sorry ass.

Whew, this situation has me hot! :hot:
yeah gurl, something doesn't sound right. Why did he lie to you about sleeping at her place if it didn't mean anything to him? It's suspicious. You already know what you gotta do.