Okay... the latest... MTG related...


New Member
I got my touch up and boy did I BURN!

I used the MTG 3 days before getting the touch up, and I'm believing that may not be a good idea.

Nevertheless, I get my trim on Tuesday, but I'm going to take pictures before. Just in case the freak hairstylist cuts off more than I tell 'im! :lol:

Hopefully, pictures should be up by the end of the week... HOPEFULLY!

One thing that we don't really seem to dwell on too much is the width/thickness of hair. We seem primarily focused on length, but there is just so much more to growing hair than necessarily down our backs.

I'm thinking about the woman who said it took her 14 years to grow her hair mid-back. I've forgotten her name, but she has a website. Maybe it's Houser. Anyway, lots of people thought 14 years was a long time, but if you think about how full her hair would be in addition to long, it did take 14 years. Fullness is not easy to come by, and I for one do not want long THIN hair.

Since using the MTG, I've noticed hair growing in places where I didn't even know I was supposed to have hair. I noticed this too a few years back when I wore my hair semi-natural. It's increased since the usage of MTG.

Anyway, that's the latest; just wanted to keep everyone apprised of what's going on :)
Hey Blosssom I can't wait to see the pictures. Man you are right about fullness. I already had thick hair, but now it practically unmanageable. Luckily I'm not working right now so I keep my hair tucked under a wig. Last night I almost cried because my hair was so thick it looked like a bad Jackson5 afro and I have a relaxer. Fortunately MTG does make combing easy. I put moisturizer on it and tied it down and stuck my wig on this morning. My goal is to get a handle on all this hair and new growth before I return to a 9 to 5.
I'm looking forward to seeing your pics too, Blos. :) And, I agree about thickness being important. I don't care for thin hair either.
Thanks for the update, when clicking on this link... I was thinking about being lazy and just getting a perm without washing the mtg/surge mix out, rethinking that issue now... and I love the thickness aspect too... I am like I HATTTTTEEEE seeing people with long thin hair, looking like they are scared to trim, just because they have long hair, give me a break, lol... I trim every time I get a perm, so it looks semi even, but it is going take me a rather long time to get to that point, because I cut my hair into layers so many times, now just trim ends... so yeh I may one of those girls that looks like i have thin hair....

Whoa that was a rant... lol
I'm the same way.... I need to have my hair at one length to get the maximum thickness and if I'm losing thickness, I'll chop it all right off (hence my BC in April due to some layers). I want even hair, long, healthy hair and I don't care how much time it takes and how many BC's I have to do to get there. lol. I think I'm a little too anal about it though. lol.
secretdiamond said:
I'm the same way.... I need to have my hair at one length to get the maximum thickness and if I'm losing thickness, I'll chop it all right off (hence my BC in April due to some layers). I want even hair, long, healthy hair and I don't care how much time it takes and how many BC's I have to do to get there. lol. I think I'm a little too anal about it though. lol.

Yes, it will take longer for me to reach any undetermined goal that I have. Width is as important as length, and it won't happen overnight.

And Angel, it might be a good idea to wash out the MTG a week before your perm and don't apply anymore until AFTER!

I swear, I hadn't been to hell in a long time. I went Thursday ;)
Darn getting me scared here... Iwashed on sat.... and wanted to get a perm tomorrow... been applying the mtg every morning... I guess I will not perm till next week, Blossssom got me stretching m relaxers... lol... Today marks 8 weeks, lets see if I can stretch it another week.... Now trying to figure out what to do with hair for coming week, because I HATE scabs... but havent been itching at all... man decision, decisions, decisions....
AnjelLuvsUBabe said:
Darn getting me scared here... Iwashed on sat.... and wanted to get a perm tomorrow... been applying the mtg every morning... I guess I will not perm till next week, Blossssom got me stretching m relaxers... lol... Today marks 8 weeks, lets see if I can stretch it another week.... Now trying to figure out what to do with hair for coming week, because I HATE scabs... but havent been itching at all... man decision, decisions, decisions....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yea, we don't need two fried heads on this board.

That's good you're stretching your relaxer. I've been going in every 8 weeks, but somebody is stretching until 10 and I may try that next time.

The longest I've gone was FOUR MONTHS! Whoo hoo!
Yeah... i'm not surprised about the burning. Sulfur does irritate the skin just a little... the irritation increases circulation...etc. But yeah add a relaxer to that... and it could be burn city. It is best to wash the MTG out about a week before you get your touch up. good luck ladies.
AnjelLuvsUBabe said:
I HATE scabs... but havent been itching at all... man decision, decisions, decisions....

MTG is probably the reason why you haven't been itching. I noticed that since using MTG I have NEVER itched. Without MTG I usually start itching right b4 I need to wash or something. But since using MTG, I have gotten nothing and it was so strange. When my hair and scalp would start to get dirty (when I need to wash it), I would get build up on my scalp looking like dandruff (but not so much) due to dry scalp. Anyway, now I never get that. It's great. I feel like my scalp is so much more moisturized and cleaner. I find that I don't even have to scrub my scalp so hard when washing to get the gunk out. :)
ThursdayGirl said:
Yeah... i'm not surprised about the burning. Sulfur does irritate the skin just a little... the irritation increases circulation...etc. But yeah add a relaxer to that... and it could be burn city. It is best to wash the MTG out about a week before you get your touch up. good luck ladies.

You ain't never lied... I just applied the MTG last night, 3 days after the inferno.
I stopped using MTG about 2wks before my touch-up because of the complaints of the relaxer not taking and I guess it helped because MTG didn't cause any problems especially not burning. About thin hair, some pple just have thin hair and may never have thickness no matter what they do, I say this because my mother has been stretching her relaxer for 8 months so far and last night when I washed and DC her hair the NG was thin, I told her that her hair must just be naturally thin. Now Elizabeth, a Dominican Salon owner/stylist, told my cousin that she needs a DC w/every service so her hair on the left side can thicken up, but overall she doesn't have thick hair. So I'm going to see if giving my mother DC at least every wk (if I can get her over here) if that will change the diameter of her hairstrand. I'll keep everyone posted.