Ok, so I used my pass....


Active Member
to where out my hair yesterday. My daughters and co-workers have been commenting for months that I should where my hair out instead of in a bun everyday, so yesterday I did (keep in mind that I'm 12 weeks post).

I rolled my hair on Sunday and took the rollers out just before work on Monday morning. It actually looked pretty good for being 12 weeks post. My roots weren't straight, but I was still able to work with it. So, anyway, if I haven't mentioned this before, I'm a very active person. I love to exercise and exercise everyday, twice a day. I walk at lunch and do my Hip Hop Abs and Taebo tapes at home in the evening. Anyway, the temp was 92 degrees yesterday. I normally am excited about getting out and walking, but yesterday was a different story. I just was not anticipating it because of my hair. Well, by the end of my 40 minute walk, I was soaked and so was my hair at the roots. I lost some of my curls on top but for the most part was able to make it through the rest of my day. However, my hair was a HAM by the end of the day. It was bone dry. I could not wait to get home to co-wash and moisturize. I just can't take wearing it out with fear of drying and breaking because of how much I exercise.

Needless to say, my hair is back in the bun today. For those of you who are 12 weeks or more post relaxer, exercise daily, and wear your hair out everday, what do you do to keep your hair soft and moisturized all day long. How do you keep it from drying out and feeling bone dry?

I'd like to wear my hair out every once in a while, but I can't do it if it continues to dry out like this and it may be because of being 12 weeks post.

Any suggestions?
YES, this is the same problem with me. I tried to get a wash n rollerset then mabye I'll ask to have my roots blow out. Then I'll go to the gym for about 2 hours just for my hair to be sweated out and my roots look like hell:mad: . I think to maintain all my NG i considering getting braids to beat the heat.