
I have to say I haven't put oil directly on my hair in probably 6 months... I did an EVOO pre-poo yesterday and all I have to say is WOW, the difference that one product alone made to my same old wash routine... No tangles At All during the wash, my hair didn't puff up the way it normally does when I poo (lol) and not even worth bothering to count the shed/broken hairs after washing or combing there were so few!

This is a definite winner/ keeper in my regi!
I have been skipping using oil to seal my ends and my ends seems moisturize longer than usual. I am paying close attention to my ends for now.
I didn't do an oil pre-poo this eve as I was doing a protein treatment. I meant to do an oil rinse after the protein but I forgot :( so instead I mixed almond oil 50/50 with detangling ghee quite generously then put in 4 twists to keep my hair soft before moisturizing and putting in box braids tomorrow.

I'll be wearing box braids until next summer at least - the plan is to pre-poo the braids with EVCO or oil rinse after a protein treatment with EVOO, then mix oil into my moisturiser between washes.