Obsessed with Spotting/Preventing Breakage


Well-Known Member
Anyone else? Its getting a bit insane /images/graemlins/laugh.gif When I take my clothes off in the evening I always check the collar of my shirt. After styling my hair I meticulously look over my hands and shirt for broken strands. I try my hardest not to lean back in chairs; whether in the car, at the movie theatre, or at home my sofa. Denali don’t play that /images/graemlins/laugh.gif My bf constantly tells me that I am going to have back problems because of this hair.
Please don’t let me hear a ‘snap’, it almost brings me to tears, I immediately whip out a bobbie pin from my secret stash to tuck my ‘babies’ up.
Sick isn’t it /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
i hate hearing the dreaded snap too! i'm always checking my ends for splits and pulling broken strands out of my hair. oh, and i keep bobby pins every where, just in case...my pocket book, my car, my desk @ work /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am always looking through my hair for split ends and everytime i see it I have the biggest urge to cut it! i know its almost impossible not to have a few hairs with split ends but i just cant help it
LOL @ whipping out bobbie pin.
I can't really say that I am obsessed with breakage. I know its normal to see hair in the comb fr. shedding. Doesn't botther be too much. Im a little more obsessed with seeing the amount of hair in the tub after I am washing. I get worried sometimes If I see a lot hair in the drain that I've pulled out /images/graemlins/frown.gif
ME *raises hand*

I check everytime I wash, comb, or run my hands down my hair. Which is why I'm on a preemptive strike right now! /images/graemlins/mad.gif
Sounds like me...Sometimes, I get so frustrated/obsessed, I want to shave my head!!!! Maybe after I reach BSL! LOL!!!! In the end, my hair is fine, so I am trying not to think about every little hair as much. It is very frustrating, though. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
I hate split ends! I am constantly looking at my ends and chopping splits off! I hunt them down. I am trying to break the habit of doing this! But I cant help it! I need a therapist!