Obsessed with hair!!!


New Member
Ladies, what is this hair obsession about? Why the need for long, lushious, flowy, silky, shiny, juicy, smellgood, vibrant, soft, full, glowing, stylish, awesome, bouncy, rocking locks? I'm OBSESSED!!!!!

What adjectives did I leave out? And why are you OBSESSED WITH HAIR!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! :spinning:
Because the rest of the world is, and they don't believe that women of color can have it.

I think I look good with it though. I feel that I am more obsessed with the health of it rather than length.
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I'm hair obsessed. I didnt call myself locabouthair for nothing :lol:

for most of my life, my hair was damaged/short. I was teased HORRIBLY about my 4z hair plus the fact that it wouldnt grow. I've had people tell me that if they had my hair, they would get a weave or that a first grader had more hair than me:ohwell:

So I guess that just made me fixate on m hair? idk.

But since I was a little girl, I loved hair and hair care. Even though my hair was damaged, my Kenya doll''s hair always stayed fly :lol:

To me, it's not much about the length. Even if I see someone with short hair, if it's has thickness, bounce, and shine, I'm in awe at it. I just like hair period. it's definitely one of my passions:yep:
I'm hair obsessed. I didnt call myself locabouthair for nothing :lol:

for most of my life, my hair was damaged/short. I was teased HORRIBLY about my 4z hair plus the fact that it wouldnt grow. I've had people tell me that if they had my hair, they would get a weave or that a first grader had more hair than me:ohwell:

So I guess that just made me fixate on m hair? idk.

But since I was a little girl, I loved hair and hair care. Even though my hair was damaged, my Kenya doll''s hair always stayed fly :lol:

To me, it's not much about the length. Even if I see someone with short hair, if it's has thickness, bounce, and shine, I'm in awe at it. I just like hair period. it's definitely one of my passions:yep:

LOL, I still practice some techniques on my fave childhood barbie dolls hair. Why arent there any black barbie dolls with natural hair? hummmmm?
Because it's challenging, and rewarding, and it's a wonderful way to pamper myself and show myself love.

Besides, it's gorgeous! Who doesn't want more pretty in their life?

And yeah, I'm contrary, so I like proving people wrong.
I'm so obsessed about my hair...i have a log to keep track of what i do to it and what products i have.....i write in it almost everyday.

It's therapeutic to me. Plus i wanna see just how long i can grow my hair.
I'm hair obsessed. I didnt call myself locabouthair for nothing :lol:

for most of my life, my hair was damaged/short. I was teased HORRIBLY about my 4z hair plus the fact that it wouldnt grow. I've had people tell me that if they had my hair, they would get a weave or that a first grader had more hair than me:ohwell:

So I guess that just made me fixate on m hair? idk.

But since I was a little girl, I loved hair and hair care. Even though my hair was damaged, my Kenya doll''s hair always stayed fly :lol:

To me, it's not much about the length. Even if I see someone with short hair, if it's has thickness, bounce, and shine, I'm in awe at it. I just like hair period. it's definitely one of my passions:yep:

I can relate to this, so many people had negative things to say about my hair, but between my mom and aunts (a couple who were hairdressers) no one could do anything positive for my hair, they just made it worse. And then made it seem like it was my fault somehow, like I was wrong for being born with "bad" hair.:nono:

I think the reason I want long hair is to prove the naysayers wrong, and to have something I've longed for since I was little. I've already ruffled some feathers by embracing my natural hair! But when it is long they are really going to trip!:grin:
I have to admit I was contemplating going natural after years of breakage from relaxing when I first started LHCF. The first few years, I didn't care about the length of my hair since I was more focused on the health. Although I admired the ladies with long hair, I have always admired healthy mid to short length blunt cuts.

But now the longer my hair grows the more interested I become seeing it longer.

I am definitely not obsessed with long hair, but I am obsessed with keeping the hair I have.
LOL, I still practice some techniques on my fave childhood barbie dolls hair. Why arent there any black barbie dolls with natural hair? hummmmm?

OT but they do have a supermodel Black Barbie with an afro now. I bought it b/c it was on sale a couple months ago; I plan to give it to my niece for Christmas.
My hair has always been my nemeises. Never wanted to act right, always frustrating me, a thorn in my side because I always wanted pretty hair. Now thanks to LHCF I'm on my way. My hair has never felt better so now length her I come!
im obsessed with my hair actually with hair in general one of my secret ambitions in owning a salon and doing pple's hair all day lol (well like once a week) i love all lengths from short to medium to long (but not too long) i want my hair to be its healthiest its shiniest and looking the best it can on my head (style)
There was one natural black barbie. She was the Barbie loves Elmo. I copied a link cause the website wouldn't allow me to copy the photo. I also have her at home and her texture is 4a.

wooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww shes pretty.

im inlove with hair becuse i've always loved hair. i've always wanted long thick hair down my back. my hair was always past sl but never got longer. now i see i can have that.
i like short hair too as long as its healthy. you know the dark skinned feisty woman that played in tyler perry's why did i get married? her hair is amazing. its beautiful, and it swings like nobody's bidness. i love it. when i first saw her hair swang i was like :blush:.
Because it's challenging, and rewarding, and it's a wonderful way to pamper myself and show myself love.

Besides, it's gorgeous! Who doesn't want more pretty in their life?

And yeah, I'm contrary, so I like proving people wrong.

Couldn't have said it better myself! :yep:
Ladies, what is this hair obsession about? Why the need for long, lushious, flowy, silky, shiny, juicy, smellgood, vibrant, soft, full, glowing, stylish, awesome, bouncy, rocking locks? I'm OBSESSED!!!!!

What adjectives did I leave out? And why are you OBSESSED WITH HAIR!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! :spinning:

I was actually obsessed with short hair.:look: I've kept my hair short for about 16 years (except when I had my son and let my hair grow out). I could probably get my hair to my chin before I saw some hot haircut that I just had to have...UNTIL THIS BUTCHER WHO CLAIMS TO BE A BEAUTICIAN CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF!!! AND I MEAN OFF!!! :angry2: I had about 1/4" on the top and a dark fade on the back and the sides! I cried like a baby. :cry:

So now I am thoroughly obsessed with having the longest hair ever...hair that I havent had since I was 5!

I'm just happy I found this website where people understand and accept me...:drunk::spinning:OBSESSED?!:drunk::spinning:...maybe in the real world...but here on LHCF...its just HAPPY HAIR GROWING!!!:dance7:

I love my LHCF family!
I'm so obsessed about my hair...i have a log to keep track of what i do to it and what products i have.....i write in it almost everyday.

It's therapeutic to me. Plus i wanna see just how long i can grow my hair.

For the following reasons:

1. It's always been short!!:wallbash:
2. I've always been exposed to others (including males) who had longer and mostly, "much longer" than my hair.
3. It seems to make you more attractive. (Not that short hair makes you less attractive - if it's worn nicely).
4. I've always wanted to toss it & move it around while it "flows" in the air.
5. It's sexy.
6. It's a myth that AA females can't grow long hair.
7. I was mocked a couple of times for trying to grow it longer, and it wouldn't grow past my neck at the time.
8. I've been told that it just won't grow.
9. I'm jealous of those with, "REALLY" long hair.:wallbash: (Hey, I'm honest):lachen:
10. It shows that I'm pretty healthy inside/out.
11. (Drum Roll Please): To show those non-believers that I can do it!
I don't call it an obsessed its a challenge. Someone tells you, "Your hair can't grow long due to.........blah, blah" You say, yes it can, I prove it. So you get to the drawing board and become so focus to prove the person wrong. Then you get so involved and doing so much research, then I guess you do become obessive to a certain point. I look at it as a challenge personally.
I admit it i am hair obsessed i have always wanted long healthy hair since childhood .:yep:
Ladies, what is this hair obsession about? Why the need for long, lushious, flowy, silky, shiny, juicy, smellgood, vibrant, soft, full, glowing, stylish, awesome, bouncy, rocking locks? I'm OBSESSED!!!!!

What adjectives did I leave out? And why are you OBSESSED WITH HAIR!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! :spinning:

dam, that's like a quote from a hair romance novel. :lachen:
For the following reasons:

1. It's always been short!!:wallbash:
2. I've always been exposed to others (including males) who had longer and mostly, "much longer" than my hair.
3. It seems to make you more attractive. (Not that short hair makes you less attractive - if it's worn nicely).
4. I've always wanted to toss it & move it around while it "flows" in the air.
5. It's sexy.
6. It's a myth that AA females can't grow long hair.
7. I was mocked a couple of times for trying to grow it longer, and it wouldn't grow past my neck at the time.
8. I've been told that it just won't grow.
9. I'm jealous of those with, "REALLY" long hair.:wallbash: (Hey, I'm honest):lachen:
10. It shows that I'm pretty healthy inside/out.
11. (Drum Roll Please): To show those non-believers that I can do it!

I know, what's up with some of these men wanting long hair like women, and growing their hair longer than women! I'm so wanting Real's hair from that reality show Real Chance at Love...and I believe it is a myth that AA women can't grow long hair... I was told this by a hair stylist and I didnt believe her then, and I sure dont believe her now. However, it does seem to be rare to come across AA women with long hair, but since finding this forum, I have been exposed to more women with MY same hair type that are acheiving great lengths with healthy hair! It's is possible!!!.... a Black man can be President and Black women can grow LONG hair!!!
I'm so obsessed about my hair...i have a log to keep track of what i do to it and what products i have.....i write in it almost everyday.

It's therapeutic to me. Plus i wanna see just how long i can grow my hair.
lol, I thought I was the only one that did this:lachen:. Keep it up honey, it is worth it.
I am obsessed with hair. I talk about hair whenever I can. When I go to bed, I am thinking about hair. I am calculating how many inches I can get in a month and how. I have a timeline in my head. It takes up at least 20% of my thinking... :?

It's just really exciting to realize (after coming to LHCF) that I can grow my hair long. It's not just some fanatasy.