observation about wet wrapping hair....


Well-Known Member
I rememeber there being a discussion in Nov. about this and i didn't have time to givee my 2 cents.

I have been using a combination wrap/ponytail to dry my hair. I have never been able to do a full wet wrap w/o having a part in the back that wasn't smooth when done. So I'd part my hair ear to ear (about 2" from front) pull the back part into a ponytail and then smooth the front part and secure with a couple pins. Alternating sides each night so as not to thin the hair in one direction.

I have noticed greater growth in the front that was wrapped. Don't get me wrong, the back is much better than before (especially my "spot") but not as good as the part that gets wrapped. So after reading about the paddle brush I tried wrapping my whole head last nigt. It came out pretty good. I will contine this way for now.