O the irony......Is anyone else uncomfortable wearing their hair down?!


Well-Known Member
I've recently discovered that I don't really enjoy wearing my hair down:nono:
You would think that after all the time and attention I've given my hair, I could enjoy the fruits of my labor every now and then, but I am aware of every strand brushing my clothes..and heaven forbid I feel some break:cry2:

I'm so paranoid that I usually put it up before the day is out:smirk:
This funny because I feel the same way. I had my hair down on Monday and I kept getting the comment "I didn't know your hair was that long" by the end of the day a young said it again and I had to say "I've been hearing that all day". But it's back up the next day because I'm afraid of breakage from my clothes too.
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nicki6 said:
I've recently discovered that I don't really enjoy wearing my hair down:nono:
You would think that after all the time and attention I've given my hair, I could enjoy the fruits of my labor every now and then, but I am aware of every strand brushing my clothes..and heaven forbid I feel some break:cry2:

I'm so paranoid that I usually put it up before the day is out:smirk:

Girl I feel you on this one. I'm sitting at my desk right now thinking I need to put my hair up. It's nice and straight since I my relaxer is one week old. I said that I'm going to wear straight styles for the next two weeks or so to just enjoy my progress. But I'm sitting her thinking that's it rubbing on my clothes. I'm become a fanatic since joining this forum. We are a sad bunch.:ohwell:
I felt the same way Nicki. Then I remembered my scarves: I have some beautiful silk scarves that I hadn't worn since the days that I wore suits to work. I pulled them out, purchased a few others and voila! My hair rubs against silk and there is no breakage. :)
nicki6 said:
I've recently discovered that I don't really enjoy wearing my hair down:nono:
You would think that after all the time and attention I've given my hair, I could enjoy the fruits of my labor every now and then, but I am aware of every strand brushing my clothes..and heaven forbid I feel some break:cry2:

I'm so paranoid that I usually put it up before the day is out:smirk:

I FEEL THE SAME WAY!!! Right now, I am home and do not work, so there is rarely a reason to wear it down. I closed on my house about 2 months ago and I wanted to look nice for some reason...maybe 'cause I knew that we might take pics (my hubby and I are corny that way, we take pics of errthing). I was paranoid that day!

I have layers and the shortest layers still graze my shoulders and snap on clothes. I am confident that when I am approaching BSL, and when all of my layers have fully grown passed the shoulder area, that I will be SWINGING with no worries!
Yeah, after I get my hair done I wear my hair down for about 3-4 days and then it is back up in some protective style.:)
You can wait 3 to 4 days chica?? I can bearly go 2 days without hearing the whisper "you need to baggie those ends" "Your ends are rubbing on your clothes" I'm trying to grow and get very paramoid when its down and not ina protective style!! Huh, I thought I was the only one:p
Yeah, I think that protective styling will be a big part of my life now that I know about it. I only wear my hair down on special occasions or weekend outings and by the end of the day it's up in a clip :lol:
I am also paranoid. I am not ready yet. The most I will do is a flexirod set which keeps my hair from rubbing on anything.
This is me. One of my goal was to have my hair down this summer, but I'm so used to it being up that my staple style is protective styles. Whenever I wear it down it's never for 2hrs straight, it goes right back into a pinup.
I feel that way. I used to have it bad. If I ever wore it down, the thought of the ends rubbing against my clothes would distract me from conversations! As the months have gone on, I'm much more relaxed. But I still hardly ever wear my hair down and if I do, it's only for part of the day. It's more about comfort now, though.
Girl, not me. I will wear that junk out when I get a chance because my job as a nurse always has me pulling it back and when I am around the house I pull it back.

If I am with my husband, like this weekend we took a small trip, I wore my hair out all 3-4 days and didnt think anything of it.
I know I do. I am so use to wearing it in a bun that when it's down, I just want it in a bun. ;)
I noticed recently that I too don't want to wear my hair out as much. I got a retouch on Friday so I wore my hair out, Friday & Saturday. Sunday through Tuesday it was back in a bun, but not baggied. I'm wearing it out today but my hair is just now touching the bottom of my neck. It's not rubbing on my clothes or anything. (Is that OK?) But I still can't wait to get home to wash & baggy my ends.
I feel the same way!

I had my hair out on Sunday....and I kept thinking that I should have bunned it....
I believe protective styling will be apart of my life forever also!!
I'd glad to see that others feel the same. I wore my hair down yesterday and got lots of positive feedback, but I was distracted ALL day by the thought that I was damaging it.

I also notice that now I keep a clip, barrette, or band in my bag to put it up.
I feel uncomfortable wearing it down is because it gets in the way of everything! Since I keep my hair up all the time, I'm not used to feeling hair on my neck and getting in my eyes and whatnot. It's also very uncomfortable when it is hot outside. I think being in the heat with my hair down bothers me the most.
I get nervous when wearing my hair out too! I am so paranoid about loosing length being that I am just at shoulder length. I've got a feeling this will be a on going phobia for me the longer it gets..
I am feeling really bad about wearing my hair out too. I have imagined many broken pieces. I will see with the next wash if I have see thru ends. I have been wearing a bantu knot set and it is really cute. I almoossst feel sixteen again...:lol: Okay maybe 25. I hope that I have not done much damage but I am noticing more hair in the sink than what I am used to seeing. I will be back to wearing my hair straight, air dried and style up off my back.

nicki6 said:
I've recently discovered that I don't really enjoy wearing my hair down:nono:
You would think that after all the time and attention I've given my hair, I could enjoy the fruits of my labor every now and then, but I am aware of every strand brushing my clothes..and heaven forbid I feel some break:cry2:

I'm so paranoid that I usually put it up before the day is out:smirk:

OMG!!! I was going to do a thread like this yesterday!!!!

I decided to wear my hair down yesterday and I felt the same way. My hair looked great and I have acheived my initial goal of being Bra strap lenght. But I admit, I didnt keep my hair down for more than 2 hours. Immediately, during my break, I a bristle brush, hair lotion and guess what i did? YUP... put my hair back up in a bun!:lachen:

It's nice to know I'm not the only one.

You know what else? I was at the computer at work and there was a guy who came real close while I was typing and he was checking for tracks!!!:eek: I had women check for tracks but not MEN:confused: That is the second reason my hair was back up in a bun. That situation made me feel uncomfortable.:(
I am still hiding my hair
(until... I dunno)
but I am very scared to
wear it down...
even for a day...
I don't think I will unless
its a super special occassion...
I am scared that all my hard work
will be ruined by split ends

i was like....what is wrong with me? i love long hair and i love seein it down....just not on me.

i dont want anyone to see it down until its as long as i want it...im so weird...i always feel like it is too short...and people will think i am bald even tho it is a decent length and growing....but im just like...NOOOOOO its too short!
I'm always uncomfortable when I wear my hair out because I'm so used to wearing it in a bun. When I do wear my hair out it irratates my neck and I keep running my hands through my hair so to avoid being distracted, I usually end up putting it in a bun sometime around midday. Also I'm a very quiet and reserved person who tries to blend in with the background and I am a bit of a tom boy; wearing my hair out usually gets me a lot of attention which makes me uncomfortable so I usually get irrated and just put my hair up to feel more comfortable.
*raises hand* I'm the same way. When I have a relaxer I always like to leave my hair out after weeks of wearing it in protective styles. But I just can't help thinking oof how much moisture is being absorbed by my clothes.

I always have my clip with me to put my hair up when the anxiety becomes too much..
MEEEEEEEEEEEE! Funny, I was just thinking this as I posted in the HYHTJ thread! I do feel a little uncomfortable wearing it down for some reason :lol: so odd!
I sure am. It's not that I'm nervous about it. I just don't like hair on my neck and back. It's pretty annoying, which is one of the reasons why I don't straighten my hair too often. A couple of days after getting a touch-up, I am dying to put my hair up in a ponytail. I get the "you should wear your hair out more often" comments too but I don't care.
I won't lie, the main reason I wear my hair up or braided all of the time is because I don't want to have to whoop somebody's *** for feeling up my hair, especially at work :mad: .
lol. once in a blue moon (normally shortly after a fresh relaxer) i will wear my hair down to work, but by the end of the day, i have had enough, and put it up.. ;-/ my hair is at a length where it sits right under my collared shirts, and brushes, and krinkles and annoys the heck out of me!
AllAboutTheHair said:
I won't lie, the main reason I wear my hair up or braided all of the time is because I don't want to have to whoop somebody's *** for feeling up my hair, especially at work :mad: .

LOL...get 'em girl:rofl:
Ditto, ditto, ditto...a coworker made me feel so bad today telling me I am obsessive and do not get to enjoy my hair any more. Told her I do enjoy my hair down once in a while but like to protect it. She was having none of it, she feels I am depriving myself. I will wear it down more once I acheive below bra strap and see how my hair reacts. I feel really cool, granny like unfortunately but as though...:"I have a secret" when I hide it.