NY Weave Stylist Needed!


Active Member
I have an EMERGENCY and need a stylist in New York preferably Queens that can do a great weave with closure piece. I went to a salon to get a full head weave and it looks horrible! I have tracks showing at the top and I want to take this out my head ASAP. Please help!!!! My hair is natural so someone who also knows how to treat natural hair would be best. I'm willing to spend up to $350 if that helps. Thanks in advance!
My weavologist in harlem can do it for much less. She's awesome and always does a great job. She doesn't style, though. She just installs. You can go to any salon for a cut and style.

Yes, she's African lol. My experience has been that a lot of women who pay what you pay for weave installs are usually weary of African salons, for some reason... However, those same women complement me on my hair and then faint when I tell them how much I paid. I've converted my fair share of them lol.

She's great and has been weaving up my natural and texlaxed hair for years.

Two things, though. #1. I've never had a closure, so you'll have to ask her about that. I'm sure she's done them. & #2. Like I mentioned, she's in harlem.

PM me for her number if interested.
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OMG go to Cynthia of Frankly Weaves
If you want her number/email let me know.
She's in brooklyn.