NTM Leave-in vs. Salerm 21


New Member
I once again decided to take the plunge and try out a product that is raved about on this board for myself. I already discovered the Salerm 21 from this board. (THANKS!!!), so I decided to try the NTM Leave-in. I must say that I am surprised that I actually like it considering my disastrous results with the NTM hair mask. It leaves the hair very soft and smooth, but I had a decision to make. Which would it be? The NTM Leave-in or the Salerm?

I did my comparison by using a 1/2" section of hair at the front of my head on both sides. First I did the flop test. That's where I hold my hair straight up and see which side falls down the fastest and straightest. The Salerm won the test. The NTM side fell more like a feather and stood out from my face a bit. Next I checked for shine. The Salerm won again. The shine on my hair with the Salerm is almost a mirror shine, with no oils. The shine with the NTM is more like a very soft, subtle shine. Then I did the comb test, focusing on the new growth. When I did the comb test with the NTM, I heard a few snaps. When I did the test with the Salerm 21 the comb did glide through my hair with no snaps because it made the new growth straighter. I also checked out the effect both products had on the color of my hair. My hair appeared more brownish w/red highlights in it on the NTM side, the Salerm side appeared more black. Both sides appeared black at the beginning of the test.

All in all, I'd have to say that the NTM is a good product. I will be using it if I no longer have access to Salerm. Other than that, I'll stick with the Salerm.

P.S. I must point out that I probably use Salerm a bit different than the rest of you. I dilute mine, meaning that I put it on right after shampooing and lightly rinse SOME of it out, otherwise I mix it with water and then apply to my hair.
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