Now I'm scared...


New Member
Now I\'m scared...

This question is for ladies who grew their hair long from a short cut. I've never had a big problem growing my hair shoulder length, the longest it's been within the last few years is collar bone. In fact, I think my hair grows pretty fast for as many times as I cut it- whether it be for fun or necessary. My hair would always would break off in the middle from rubbing against shirts and things, but grow long on the sides (this was b4 I knew about protective styles).


I've been reading one-too-many posts about ladies saying their relaxed hair would stop growing at a certain length until they went natural/texturizer. Now I'm concerned that my hair won't even grow past the collar even if I do take care of it. My hair is really thick, sadly, in it's unhealthy days it's been compared to wire. But not any more!!!
I'm scared to get a texturizer just for the sake of my hair. I like being able to wear straight hair on a daily basis. What if I'm unable to grow my 4b hair long b/c it's relaxed?
When I was younger and prerelaxed my hair was midway down my back (like everybody else). Should I get a texturizer? I feel like I'm obsessing too much.

P.S. Don't mind my incorrect sentence structure.
Re: Now I\'m scared...

Well I think you should do whats best for your hair...

Oh and to be honest my hair grew its longest when it was relaxed...It grew about 5-6 inches longer than my natural hair (I always pressed). I rarely heat styled, wore braid outs all the time, and barely combed. So now that Im fully natural again Im expecting more growth
Re: Now I\'m scared...

Try to stay away from heat as much as possible. Many times it is not the relaxer that cause the problems but all of the styling tourtures we put it through.

Everyone is different, and you need to ask yourself are you willing to put the effort into keeping up your natural hair. If you think you have to wear protective styles now when you wear a natural it is even more important.

Also if you do a texturizer now you will have to cut off any relaxed hair you have seeing they will be two different textures. But if you are willing to cut it and go with the texturizer then all means it may be the best thing for you.

Happy journey,