Not sure I'm making progress


New Member
Everytime i get my hair relaxed the stylist doesnt seem to jus put relaxer on the new growth of my edges which are shorter. When smoothing it jus blends in with all of my hair could this be causing them to break during the relaxing process?

She tends to relax all edges again the next time round because it still looks same as before. right now i have a lot of new growth but its mixed with relaxed hair that is pretty short (at the sides i mean). When smoothed in relaxing its completely covered and i thinks thats breaking the previously relaxed hair.

my kitchen area is very short now. i have a few tracks because my hair on top didnt cover the back where it was broken. i couldnt braid before because id relaxed my hair and i was waitng for this to grow out now theres no hair at the back jus very very short and im back to square one!

if i braid this time the good hair on top etc will snap off if left in braids too long as relaxed hair will snap. im in a dilemma what do you suggest please as i know i should braid as its getting cold her in the UK. but i dont want the rest of hair to suffer.
thanks in advance
Tara_Star said:
Everytime i get my hair relaxed the stylist doesnt seem to jus put relaxer on the new growth of my edges which are shorter. When smoothing it jus blends in with all of my hair could this be causing them to break during the relaxing process?

She tends to relax all edges again the next time round because it still looks same as before. right now i have a lot of new growth but its mixed with relaxed hair that is pretty short (at the sides i mean). When smoothed in relaxing its completely covered and i thinks thats breaking the previously relaxed hair.

my kitchen area is very short now. i have a few tracks because my hair on top didnt cover the back where it was broken. i couldnt braid before because id relaxed my hair and i was waitng for this to grow out now theres no hair at the back jus very very short and im back to square one!

if i braid this time the good hair on top etc will snap off if left in braids too long as relaxed hair will snap. im in a dilemma what do you suggest please as i know i should braid as its getting cold her in the UK. but i dont want the rest of hair to suffer.
thanks in advance

So it seems as if your stylist is overlapping...a major NO-NO! This only lead to a vicous cycle of breaking. When you get your hair done make sure the stylist only does the New Growth! Sometimes not overlapping is terribly difficult but it can be achieved. You may also want to suggest to your stylist to put a conditioner on the end of your hair and relax the newgrowth only, putting a conditioner on your ends help tremendously with the overlapping...It just seems as if your stylist really don't care about your hair at all and just doing whatever the hell she wants to do...maybe it's time to find a new stylist. As for your hair care regime, do you do any sort of protein treatments on your own? How about Moisturizing treatments? If you are interested in doing braids then I suggest you check out this site, you'll find amazing tips and one of the "STARS" on the site DEN1, is also a member on this site used the methods to grow long long luxurious hair!
I agree with sounds like overlapping. It would be in your hair's and wallet's best interest to find someone who focuses on the health of your hair. Do you have any before and after pics?

Take care and good luck on your journey.
wow I was in your position with my kitchen, pls no braids, early this yr i barely had any hair there, didnt do pony tails cause i didnt like showing the back, now i've like 4inches there, can do my pony tails and all.
I would not suggest braids, I stay in a very cold climate in midwest US, I think now u should focus on treating ur hair, cutting ur stylist loose. For me back there what really made the difference was keeping it moist and oiled, and cutting back on heat especially!! How much heat do u use on ur hair on a weekly basis???
I had a stylist who did this but honestly I don't think she knew better which is even worse, but the point is it's not healthy at all. Why perm the hair that's already straight? As someone said before it leads to major breakage! The only reason I didn't have it is because I stopped going to her after the second time she did it. Leave dear, no stylist is worth being bald!!!
Alli77 said:
So it seems as if your stylist is overlapping...a major NO-NO! This only lead to a vicous cycle of breaking. When you get your hair done make sure the stylist only does the New Growth! Sometimes not overlapping is terribly difficult but it can be achieved. You may also want to suggest to your stylist to put a conditioner on the end of your hair and relax the newgrowth only, putting a conditioner on your ends help tremendously with the overlapping...It just seems as if your stylist really don't care about your hair at all and just doing whatever the hell she wants to do...maybe it's time to find a new stylist. As for your hair care regime, do you do any sort of protein treatments on your own? How about Moisturizing treatments? If you are interested in doing braids then I suggest you check out this site, you'll find amazing tips and one of the "STARS" on the site DEN1, is also a member on this site used the methods to grow long long luxurious hair!

Thanks so much for your advice. I remember that website grow afro hair. I'll have another look.
Naijaqueen said:
wow I was in your position with my kitchen, pls no braids, early this yr i barely had any hair there, didnt do pony tails cause i didnt like showing the back, now i've like 4inches there, can do my pony tails and all.
I would not suggest braids, I stay in a very cold climate in midwest US, I think now u should focus on treating ur hair, cutting ur stylist loose. For me back there what really made the difference was keeping it moist and oiled, and cutting back on heat especially!! How much heat do u use on ur hair on a weekly basis???

I think my stylist doesnt know any better. But I think the hair on my edges is that short u can't see where the relaxed hair stops and the new growth starts...I use heat once a week when i can jus after washing and odd time through the week if my hair isnt laying down. (not on the kitchen or sides ever)

I'm wearing tracks right now, only four pieces. This is to cover the back of my hair as it is really really short. I can't tie it up. When my hair is without the tracks it looks like an unstyled bob with the back all broken. sme people thought it was purposley cut that way but I was really embarassed so im using the tracks to cover it.

If I got braids I wouldnt wear them for too long as the new growth might make the relaxed hair snap but im so worried about relasing the kitchen when it grows back (my hair grows quite quickly suprisingly) but what else can i do! I have to alternate braiding and relaxing...
Since it’s obvious that your stylist isn’t properly relaxing your hair, and its current condition needs some tender loving care, it would be in your best interest not to rush into braiding your hair for this will only worsen the situation. If you can try other styles in the meantime while treating your hair to some serious treatments, MOISTURE (especially for your nape and edges) and low manipulation, your hair will really thank you for it. HTH.

In the meantime, you should really consider cutting your stylist loose if you don't appreciate the current condition of your hair. Have you thought of self relaxing? At least this way YOU can ensure that ONLY your new growth is being relaxed.

Good luck on whatever you decide to do...
lovelymissyoli said:
Since it’s obvious that your stylist isn’t properly relaxing your hair, and its current condition needs some tender loving care, it would be in your best interest not to rush into braiding your hair for this will only worsen the situation. If you can try other styles in the meantime while treating your hair to some serious treatments, MOISTURE (especially for your nape and edges) and low manipulation, your hair will really thank you for it. HTH.

In the meantime, you should really consider cutting your stylist loose if you don't appreciate the current condition of your hair. Have you thought of self relaxing? At least this way YOU can ensure that ONLY your new growth is being relaxed.

Good luck on whatever you decide to do...

I actually have thought of self relaxing! Imean I'm so sick of people ruining my hair! My mum seems to think its ok to relax ALL of her own head each time and she never seems to wonder why her hair never grows past her chin..I've told her that its wrong to do that as she used to do that to mine way before i knew anything about hair. She just didn't want to listen.

A piece of her hair on her crown right on top snapped off in her sleep she said it as like someone just cut it with scissors I knew it was because of the way she relaxes it but I didn't want to mention just in case she wanted to argue again! She is blaming her flat iron so i left her to it.

I think it is probabl time for me to start doing it myself but when my hair is healthier. I seriously cant wear any other style at the moment except tracks (but my hair is getting nappy) or braids. My hair is quite strong and grows quite fast so braids might help it and it might only have to be for a month whoch i wouldnt leave in longer anyway. My hair is too short to just have out because the back will be completely visable and tracks aren't the best thing because of the glue.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions I think i will be doing my own hair from now on.
Hi Tara_Star,

I agree with the other ladies, It sounds like she is over processing your hair, and it would be a great idea to apply conditioner to the ends. In addition, if you add tracks be sure to sew them in and not glue, because that causes major damage as well. You might want to consider changing hair stylist.

I also think that you should get a nice protein treatment, with a super moisturizing conditioner to help stop the damage. If you can, just wear your hair all slicked back in a low maintance style. Uses rollers (not sponge) to do different styles so you will not use too much heat or do some braid/twist outs.

What shampoos/conditioners are you using now, and what is your hair budget? I ask because more ladies can chime in with suggestions to help you in regards to products that work, this way you can probably see who has your same hair type, and not waste time buying all kinds of ish that will not work for you.

Your hair will be thriving in no time. PLEASE PLEASE do not go back to that stylist if you do not have to... when your mom see's that your hair is prospering she will follow suit...they always do. :lol:

Tara_Star said:
Everytime i get my hair relaxed the stylist doesnt seem to jus put relaxer on the new growth of my edges which are shorter. When smoothing it jus blends in with all of my hair could this be causing them to break during the relaxing process?

She tends to relax all edges again the next time round because it still looks same as before. right now i have a lot of new growth but its mixed with relaxed hair that is pretty short (at the sides i mean). When smoothed in relaxing its completely covered and i thinks thats breaking the previously relaxed hair.

my kitchen area is very short now. i have a few tracks because my hair on top didnt cover the back where it was broken. i couldnt braid before because id relaxed my hair and i was waitng for this to grow out now theres no hair at the back jus very very short and im back to square one!

if i braid this time the good hair on top etc will snap off if left in braids too long as relaxed hair will snap. im in a dilemma what do you suggest please as i know i should braid as its getting cold her in the UK. but i dont want the rest of hair to suffer.
thanks in advance
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