
New Member
I trimmed my hair yesterday and found some hairs were splits in the middle. Not the ends. why is this, what causes it and how can I prevent it? Does anyone else experience this?
They are called mid shaft splits someone started a thread about them a week or two ago. I would link to it but I'm on my phone. Try searching for it the thread had quite a few responses
depends on what you may be doing to your hair on a daily/weekly basis

what are you combing....brushing with? I feel it may likely be the tools not products
lol, solitude, I felt just like you until I strted trimming my own hair. I trim and then I hold that piece of hair in diff angles and i can identify. I hardly brush my hair but when I detangle with a brush, I use my modified denman- about twice a month with a brush though.
How in the world do y'all see split ends in the middle? I can barely identify split ends.

I usually see the mid shaft splits on shed hairs while trying to locate the white bulb to make sure it's a shed hair and not a broken one:yep:. I am not confident enough to cut my own hair so I haven't had a trim in over a year:blush:.
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