Well-Known Member
I'm so depressed! Tommorow is my sisters wedding and all along I had
been planning to wear my hair down but I cant. My hair has grown
tremendously but the ends are so thin and gappy theres no way I can
wear it down! its see thru, with gaps that look to be about two
inches! I am so tempted to just chop off two inches and be done! Its
too late to cut it for the wedding so I have no choice but to wear
it in a stupid bun. I tried washing for thickness and everything but
it's just too gappy. I mean the last two inches are sparse and I
dont understand because those sparse two inchs are even with each
other! the sides are so thick with even growth that its deceiving
when I wore it down cause the back is messed up and fans out looking
really gappy. I've tried to keep it smooth and together but it keeps
fanning out and almost moving over my shoulders! I thought about
curling the ends under but it's two inches and my hair will not hold
2 inch curls! I would have been so happy had it all been one length.
Now that my look for the wedding is all ruined I dont know what to
do. Yeah, I can keep bunning it but my moral is pretty dented right
now and all I keep thinking is at the end of these next 11 wks until
my next touch up I will just have 4 inch gaps of sparse thin hair
instead of 2. what should I do? Adrienne or anyone who grew their
hair and achieved thick length have you had this problem or should I
cut my losses? literally. I put pics in my picture trail album so
you can see what I mean there. someone
tell me what I should do cause I'm near tears.
been planning to wear my hair down but I cant. My hair has grown
tremendously but the ends are so thin and gappy theres no way I can
wear it down! its see thru, with gaps that look to be about two
inches! I am so tempted to just chop off two inches and be done! Its
too late to cut it for the wedding so I have no choice but to wear
it in a stupid bun. I tried washing for thickness and everything but
it's just too gappy. I mean the last two inches are sparse and I
dont understand because those sparse two inchs are even with each
other! the sides are so thick with even growth that its deceiving
when I wore it down cause the back is messed up and fans out looking
really gappy. I've tried to keep it smooth and together but it keeps
fanning out and almost moving over my shoulders! I thought about
curling the ends under but it's two inches and my hair will not hold
2 inch curls! I would have been so happy had it all been one length.
Now that my look for the wedding is all ruined I dont know what to
do. Yeah, I can keep bunning it but my moral is pretty dented right
now and all I keep thinking is at the end of these next 11 wks until
my next touch up I will just have 4 inch gaps of sparse thin hair
instead of 2. what should I do? Adrienne or anyone who grew their
hair and achieved thick length have you had this problem or should I
cut my losses? literally. I put pics in my picture trail album so
you can see what I mean there. someone
tell me what I should do cause I'm near tears.