Not all t-shirts are created equal


Well-Known Member
Will the right t-shirt please stand up!:perplexed Look at the first line on OOOOP2's shirt compared to Mwedzi's.





I just got my shirt on Thursday and my line starts between these two shirts. I'm so confused.:drunk: Where should the line start?
I assume it depends.
Mwedzi's shirt looks homemade compared to the first one (which people can purchase online)

Mwedzi's looks like she's measuring from APL, while the first one is measuring from shoulder (or collarbone).
The lines dont necessarily matter. Th shirt is used to show your own hair growth (not to compare to someones elses hair growth). For instance, your first pic while wearing the shirt maybe taken in january as your starter pic. Then the next pic maybe taken six months later. You take the second pic to compare to the first one (which is measuring your own hair growth). So ultimately the lines don't really matter on another person's shirt. However, I feel like it makes sense (if someone wants to make their own shirt) for the very first line to be their very first goal (whether it be SL or APL etc). But yea it really doesn't matter.... just preference :yep:
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I can tell you two things.
1. Both shirts are made by two different people.
2. The second shirt is an APL or longer shirt (as you can see the first line starts at APL).*She also has shirts starting at SL.
Where can I get a shirt....? I'm not crafty so purchasing one is more my thing.
The first shirt is by DontSpeakDefeat (usually she take pre-orders if she is selling them still). The second shirt is by ManeandChic. Both are member's here. I'll be back with the links.
DSD, you can pm her to see if she is still taking orders: As for ManeandChic maybe you can search through her blog (or pm her i think she's still a member). HTH. is the link :yep:

It really doesn't matter where the line starts. All the lines are an inch apart. You'll know you've made progress when your hair reaches a new line with every hair length check :yep:
Where the line starts is arbitrary. Obviously, as you can see, the t-shirts are not measuring the actual length of the hair. Rather they are measuring the progress.
It wouldn't be smart for all tshirts to start measuring at collarbone length. Especially if you are already APL or longer. You would want the measuring to start later so you can track your progress better since the measuring part of the shirt is only as big as a regular size of computer paper.
Yes, you should be fine. For those that are longer than APL, there is really no reason to start measuring from SL.
[thread interruptus]WHEEZY807, where did you get that awesome nail polish?!?[/thread interruptus]

(Nice t-shirt thread too. Thanks for the link)
As long as you use the same tshirt while you're measuring your growth, I think any one would be fine (bought or homemade). For me, I have a couple of beauty marks/ moles on my back so I like to use those as markers instead. Before, I had issue with my tshirt shrinking, getting a fold in it, etc.
I assume it depends.
Mwedzi's shirt looks homemade compared to the first one (which people can purchase online)

Mwedzi's looks like she's measuring from APL, while the first one is measuring from shoulder (or collarbone).

I got my shirt online, but I can't remember where. It's just like the maneandchic ones, but an ugly color that was discounted to really cheap. You have the option of where you want to start the numbers. Near the nape, near apl, or near bsl. You should choose based on what length your hair already is. If you are already bsl, it makes less sense to get the t-shirt that starts at nape because all (most?) the shirts have only 11 inches measured on them. If you are already bsl and you start measuring those 11 inches from above your shoulder, that shirt isn't going to last you too much longer.
Shoot. I just ordered one from Hairlista. I hope mine is numbered more like the white one. The orange one would be a sick joke for me. Like someone holding a banana just out of my reach.
Okay I get it now. I was worried that I got ripped off by buying the wrong shirt.

I don't feel either of these shirts is a rip off, but I would avoid shirts that have exact goals listed like APL, BSL, MBL etc. The lenght to these goals differ between people based on height so no shirt can tell you when you get to that goal you just have to look at where your hair hits your body.
Thanks for clearing up the differences in the shirts. I too was confused about the idea behind them based upon the differences of those out there.