Normal Breakage?


New Member
Most people that I've heard of speaking about breakage on hair boards make it seem like there is something wrong with your hair if it breaks AT ALL. :ohwell:

Isn't a few broken hairs part of normal wear and tear on your hair? Even on non-processed, healthy hair, shouldn't one expect a small amount of breakage? :confused:

I'm not talking about shedding!!

Today I was a bit too rough with my hair (impatient) and about 10 hairs broke. I usually get less than that when I take the time to fluff ot my twistout. I was about to freak, but is it really THAT bad?

How much breakage is normal for one with texturized/relaxed hair? Should it be slightly more than someone with natural hair?
Are you asking how much in a day? A week?

I feel that breakage is that bad if it happens all of the time because eventually, it would show up as a head of shorter hair. I've been there.
IMO, although we all need to be very gentle with our hair, those with chemically altered hair (especially if color is added) must be the most gentle since it is exceptionally fragile.

I used to see broken hairs in the sink and bathroom floor all of the time - for years! I accepted it only because I didn't know any better. Now that I know the breakage was from mistreating my relaxed hair with heat such as hot combs and blowdryers, I stopped it and the breakage stopped too or has been very minimal. I 've made mistakes, like accidentally like having a ponytail holder wrapped too tightly and breaking some hairs, but I make an effort not to make these mistakes or learn from them when they do happen.

Keeping my hair heat-free and very moisturized at all times with minimal, gentle manipulation keeps my hair from breaking like it used to.
It's impossible to have 0 breakage... we should just shoot for minimal, right?

Like it's normal to shed up to around 100 hairs per day... but what is the figure for broken hairs?
Porsche19 said:
It's impossible to have 0 breakage... we should just shoot for minimal, right?

Like it's normal to shed up to around 100 hairs per day... but what is the figure for broken hairs?
I understand what you mean. I shoot for zero breakage and if breakage happens, it happens. If it happens because I messed up, I make sure I'm more careful next time. If it happens because of a product or a procedure, I make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm learning to shoot for the best possible outcome, with anything I do.
Porsche 19,

I have been wondered about the same question, before learning about my hair would constantly break. I considered this normal. However it was not.
I do tend to freak out a lot, even though I probably only get a few broken( NOT SHEDDING) hairs a day. As long as thats all I get I am happy.
I have a few white friends and they have hair that breaks to, they are constantly tugging at the hair was brushes, its always rubbing on their clothes. And although there is no comparison to our hair they still manage to grow to great lengths. If you ask any growers on the site who have got to great lengths if they had a tiny bit of breakage on the way the answer will properly be yes.
Exactly, KLH. My workmate with almost waist-length hair is forever having breakage (some type of alopecia she says) but her hair is still almost waistlength. Even though she has breakage, she still practices good hair habits like wearing protective stlyes, conditioning, avoiding heat, etc. Some breakage is unavoidable.
GiGi said:
Exactly, KLH. My workmate with almost waist-length hair is forever having breakage (some type of alopecia she says) but her hair is still almost waistlength. Even though she has breakage, she still practices good hair habits like wearing protective stlyes, conditioning, avoiding heat, etc. Some breakage is unavoidable.


Your so right, as long as we keep doing what we are doing we give our hair the best possible chance to grow with minimal breakage.
It should be mostly shedding, with maybe a few broken hairs. If your hair is healthy.

You'd have to look at the hairs to see which one is shedding and which are breakage though.