Nomination for Feature of the Month


Active Member
Our past features of the month have all got some lovely, drop dead gorgeous locks. I'd like to suggest featuring one of the women who have done a big chop lately, to reinforce the notion that healthy hair is beautiful at any length. For example, Ronda 123 recently did a big chop and texturizer, and her hair is gorgeous. Jainygirl has done a big chop and rocked a beautiful TWA, and there are many other examples here on the board. It would be nice to see women recognized for their beautiful locks and coils, regardless of length. :)
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Here three, you go Jainygirl!

The thing is, I guess I thought the Feature of the Month was not necessarily about celebrating our hair choices (to be natural or relaxed) or our major hair cuts, but to show the essence of the board (LONG hair care forum) and some examples of individuals who have actually reached that goal. I'm not exactly sure how showing natural or relaxed heads who have very short hairstyles would show us examples of people who have successfully grown long hair.

But I have only been on the board a few months, so I may be misunderstanding the purpose of the feature of the month, and it may not be about long hair at all, but the name of the website kind of throws me off then.

That being said, going natural should definitely be celebrated, so I love all the shout outs we have been giving to support new naturals!
beloved1 said:
Here three, you go Jainygirl!

The thing is, I guess I thought the Feature of the Month was not necessarily about celebrating our hair choices (to be natural or relaxed) or our major hair cuts, but to show the essence of the board (LONG hair care forum) and some examples of individuals who have actually reached that goal. I'm not exactly sure how showing natural or relaxed heads who have very short hairstyles would show us examples of people who have successfully grown long hair.

But I have only been on the board a few months, so I may be misunderstanding the purpose of the feature of the month, and it may not be about long hair at all, but the name of the website kind of throws me off then.

That being said, going natural should definitely be celebrated, so I love all the shout outs we have been giving to support new naturals!

My post didn't suggest celebrating hair choices of natural vs. relaxed. I've been on this board long enough to know not to touch that topic with a 10 foot pole. :D What I suggested was recognizing a member who has recently done a BC and maintains a beautiful, thick, healthy head of hair, regardless of whether the hair is natural, relaxed or texturized. That was my point, and I'm sorry if I wasn't clear the first time.

It's just a suggestion, is all. :)
Hey y'all :wave: !! I've been passing by this thread all day long without reading it; I didnt know I shoulda been up in here posting :lol:. Thanks girlie for being so sweet :kiss: I"m just trying to keep it healthy over here. I figured by keeping it healthy that growth would come eventually anyway. Thanks again y'all ;). -- jainygirl