Noah Movie: Director says; It's noting like you expect


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'Noah' Movie: Director Darren Aronofsky Tells Audience 'Anything You're Expecting, You're Wrong'

  • noah.jpg

    (Photo: Paramount Pictures)
    Still of Jennifer Connelly and Russell Crowe in "Noah," which hits theaters March 28.
By Katherine Weber, Christian Post Reporter

March 13, 2014|1:13 pm
Director Darren Aronofsky says his new film "Noah" is a "very different" movie, and anything viewers are expecting will be wrong.

The director, who also directed "Black Swan" and "The Wrestler," has maintained confidence in the film's success, despite criticism over the past few weeks that questions the film's biblical accuracy. The director told an audience at the film's world premiere in Mexico City on Monday that "Noah" is a "very, very different movie. Anything you're expecting, you're [expletive] wrong."

Additionally, the director told Variety in an interview last week that the viewers' concerns about the movie will dissolve once they watch it. "The controversy is all about the unknown and about the fear of people trying to exploit a Bible story," said Aronofsky. "It will all disappear as soon as people start seeing the film."
"Noah," starring Russell Crowe, has been plagued with a rash of adversity since its release date was first announced earlier in 2014. The film was first criticized by some evangelical Christians who argued it does not accurately represent the story of Noah and the flood found in the Bible. Some even accused Aronofsky as using the biblical story merely as a vessel to communicate the film's themes of environmentalism and overpopulation.

Criticism prompted the film's executives to include a disclaimer that will be presented on the film's future marketing materials. The disclaimer says that although the film does take "artistic license," the movie stays true to the "essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide."

The film then hit another obstacle when Islamic leaders in multiple Middle Eastern countries announced the film would be banned from local theaters because it violated Islamic law by personifying one of Allah's prophets. Censorship groups in Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates reportedly confirmed this past weekend that the film will "not be released in their countries" because it "contradicts the teachings of Islam." Other countries, including Egypt, Kuwait and Jordan, are also expected to follow suit in banning the film.

Aronofsky reportedly butted heads with Paramount executives on which ending "Noah" should have, as executives wanted to pick an alternative ending that would appeal most to Christian moviegoers. Although the production company ultimately chose Aronofsky's original ending, it still paid the director a heightened budget of $160 million in exchange for the option of adding a different ending to the film.

The director told The New Yorker that in the end, he doesn't care if Paramount executives want to make "Noah" appeal to Christian moviegoers. Ultimately, Aronofsky's version of the ending reportedly received higher scores on test audiences than the alternate versions, and therefore his ending made the final cut.

"Noah is the least biblical biblical film ever made," Aronofsky said in a recent filmmaker profile in The New Yorker. "I don't give a [expletive] about the test scores! My films are outside the scores." In regard to Paramount executives trying to agree on the film's ending, Aronofsky said: "Ten men in a room trying to come up with their favorite ice cream are going to agree on vanilla. I'm the Rocky Road guy."
The film is set for a nationwide release on March 28, and will hit the United Kingdom on April 4.
I've read so many conflicting reviews about this movie. We plan on seeing it tomorrow - you know... "for research". :look:

Oops doesn't come out until next week. Lol
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I'm glad I read this. I was worried that some things were distorted and added that did not depict the bible. But after hearing that the director said he knows this and that was not his goal made me feel better. Now I will go see it.
I wasn't planning to see the movie (even though I thought the premise was great!) because from the preview - no one on the ark appeared to be black/African/of color etc! That can't be right. Since we all came from Noah and his family, someone had to have some black/African/of color DNA on that ark. I was pissed!

Then to read that the Director is an atheist...I was like no ma'am - that's okay.

I don't need to see an artsy, what might have been, this might have happened but probably didn't because we don't believe in it anyway type of movie. Noah wasn't a "character" - as the Director portrays him. He was a real, living, breathing human being.

Did anyone else notice the race thing?
I wasn't planning to see the movie (even though I thought the premise was great!) because from the preview - no one on the ark appeared to be black/African/of color etc! That can't be right. Since we all came from Noah and his family, someone had to have some black/African/of color DNA on that ark. I was pissed!

Then to read that the Director is an atheist...I was like no ma'am - that's okay.

I don't need to see an artsy, what might have been, this might have happened but probably didn't because we don't believe in it anyway type of movie. Noah wasn't a "character" - as the Director portrays him. He was a real, living, breathing human being.

Did anyone else notice the race thing?

I didn't know he was an atheist. Oh my.....
I will not support a film that is directed by an atheist.:nono:

Out of all of the films that Darren Arononsy could have directed, why would he choose anything out of the Bible when he doesn't believe any of it?

How can you tell a something from the Word of God without mentioning the Name of God?

The director is trying to smirk God in this life and smirking his way through this world, but on Judgement Day, Mr. Aronosky will not only bow his knee before The Lord, but he will also confess with his mouth that HE IS LORD!
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I was watching him be interviewed yesterday and he was saying you won't hear the name God at all in this movie. Don't know if I will go and see this.
I was watching him be interviewed yesterday and he was saying you won't hear the name God at all in this movie. Don't know if I will go and see this.


Good grief. I think I'll be passing on this one.
What is the point then, why not name it something else. Its foolishness to me. What is the underlining message, I know it is to get people off track and out of focus and most will not get back on track anyway. What a waste of time. Its sad but if anyone is paying attention, there is so much going on right now to get people off track and stop reading and stop studying, and accepting the foolish things of the world for truth.

Persons were invited to a special showing of this movie from my company in aid of something or another, I was asked if I saw the movie I said no and I'm not interested...and so it started...Long story short I am not supporting anything that I don't believe in.

I'd be doing myself a disservice to not know at least something about other religions, but don't tell me I'm close minded (Christians) and I should 'support' a movie or anything that I do not believe in, my choice and my money, I work in Egypt and go home to Goshen every day.
In the movie, Creator = God.
Have you seen it yet? I listened to an interview with the director this afternoon and he was much more humble than he came across in the article. Idk ETA - never mind. My dad has just given me a full run down. I will NOT spend one some to support this movie.
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I just heard Erick Erickson's breakdown of the entire movie and got a headache.. One can say oh it's "just a movie"... but when a movie's made to deliberately twist the Truth in all kinds of angles, it misrepresents God and there is and agenda. It's dangerous because a lie is being fed to the masses. Now, we are talking about the mind of an atheist.

Bueller? Bueller ? Bueller?

The good that can emerge is people who haven't read the Book likely would be intrigued enough to go read the story for themselves, go to church or have a discussion with a Christian about the Bible. Gen 50:20

What of the timing of the God's not Dead movie...
My church group is seeing it and though I was initially put off, I do want to see just how drastically he strays from the Bible. Maybe I'll report back on the changes if anyone's interested? ?
I saw this movie yesterday. My Sister in Christ treated me for my birthday. Yes they're no black people at all in this movie. Yes the director distorted the movie big time. Yes, the director put God as the creator. No references to God at all. May God humble this director and confess Jesus Christ is Lord!

The account of Noah was wrong. I studied Noah a year ago and I left the movie theater very angry. Why did he direct this movie if he is a " so called atheist "
I saw this movie yesterday. My Sister in Christ treated me for my birthday. Yes they're no black people at all in this movie. Yes the director distorted the movie big time. Yes, the director put God as the creator. No references to God at all. May God humble this director and confess Jesus Christ is Lord! The account of Noah was wrong. I studied Noah a year ago and I left the movie theater very angry. Why did he direct this movie if he is a " so called atheist "

Thank you for the review. This echoes what I've heard as well.

Why did he even bother naming it Noah??? Smh
I watched it 2 days ago (early viewing)... I saw nothing wrong with it ... of course some things were embellished/exaggerated, but it was nothing I'd remember or go to see again. Just okay. My Christian self was not offended, although I am a researcher by profession so I'm probably more liberal than most.
Who did Noah converse with/get inspired from to build the ark? How was that represented? Even Steve Correll's had a g-d in it :giggle:
The movie had me laughing (laughing at the director, that is). For those who saw it, remember what he said happened on Day 2 of the creation? At that moment, I put my head in my palms and said to myself, "Oh dear". That movie was a mess. Comedy at best.
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I'm glad I read this. I was worried that some things were distorted and added that did not depict the bible. But after hearing that the director said he knows this and that was not his goal made me feel better. Now I will go see it.

I saw the movie. I have to admit it was really good!!!