
Well-Known Member
I have tossed my MT/MN mix in the toilet and won't be going back. I lost about 1/2 - 1 inch off my hair due to popping off, even though I upped my moisture game. I am done with that and won't put anything that isn't oil, herbs or for hair in my hair any more. I told myself if it wasn't broke don't fix it, but like a hard head, I jumped on the nearest bandwagon and lost my head. I am so VEXed right now. Prior to using the mix I had NO breakage, I DON'T CARE who doesn't believe because when I say only 5-10 strands came out with bulb on the end, ONLY 5-10 strands came out with bulbs on the end. Now I got breakage, shedding, and stress from lossing my hair all wrapped into one. I am DONE DONE DONE DONE. I just want to get my hair back to normal. :(

Right now I want to KICK MY BUTT, I am so sad right now. I was doing so WELL with just regular hair growth, and in December the Evil Scissored hair stylist Butchered my hair, then it was on a comeback and now this, I Feel LIKE CRAP!!!!!! I really last night felt like chopping it off, I had to give myself an emergencee treatment because it was out of control.

Today my sons tossed the remainder of mix into the toilet. And rinsed the bottles with dish detergent. I am so SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad::sad::sad::perplexed:cry2::hammer::hammer::angry2::evil::evil::evil::burning::burning::sick:
Okay well if 5-10 strands were many strands came out after you used the mix? You stated that you had breakage and shedding?
Okay well if 5-10 strands were many strands came out after you used the mix? You stated that you had breakage and shedding?

Girl, I was literally tearing yesterday, it was atleast 40 strands hand full with bulbs and the breakage is crazy, I could make a Barbie doll with the breakage or two, I literally wanted to CHOP it off yesterday. HUH, I feel betrayed. :nono:

I wanted to beat the balding to the punch by just shaving it off, my husband looked and said, oh, it's only about 3/4 of an inch. I love the support.

I know it's hair and it will grow back, just I knew I should have not have and I did and now I just am so angry with myself!
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Were you taking any garlic supplements or using any of the recommended methods to stave off the shedding? Did you increase your moisture to compensate for the protein in the MT?
Were you taking any garlic supplements or using any of the recommended methods to stave off the shedding? Did you increase your moisture to compensate for the protein in the MT?

I increased my moisture like crazy. It felt better, but I guess it was still to much for my Hair. No Garlic.
Sorry it didn't work for you; I use MT, sometimes mixed with OCT, and I have a ton of new growth and no shedding. Another example of everything doesn't work for everyone. I hope your hair recovers quickly.
I'm so sorry that that happened to you. That's why I wouldn't touch growth aids with a ten foot pole!

Growth aids just seem so unnatural to me. Our hair will grow on it's own.
I hope you hair recovers quickly. While I have never experience set back with growth aids, my scalp flaked like crazy. I have decided my scalp just like to be be left alone.
I dont even oil my scalp and its doing well. I only apply essential oil and castor to my edges that I am trying to grow out.
what works for one, may not work for another.
I am so sorry this has happen to you. I have been there with mn before. I was using it like a grease on the scalp, did not take long to find out it was not agreeing with me. I had individual in at the time and the whole braids came out in the bed...everywhere. Maybe an allergic reaction??? It is a med. None the less ended up with bald spots and my husband cut it all the way down 2 weeks in a row. Talking about tearing... ...snot & tears all over the place. Good news, there was not any long term damage. After I discontinued use and cut down (my only option) it grew right back. It looks like you have some length and if the spots are small, you should be able to cover them. Your reg growth should not have change. At this point I don't knock anyone else adventures, but personally I don't use anything on my scalp. Just creeping down the hair highway at 1/2 in per month. You will get to your goals.:grin:
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Sorry this happened to you OP. I actually am in the same boat. I lost pratically all my progress due to breakage. :nono: I was using a MT, oil mix of 30% MT, 70% (castor, jojoba,grapeseed) and my hair has never broken this much. I was moisturizing daily with a water based moisturizer, (NTM) and deep conditioning with mosturizing conditioners twice a week. I was also taking garlic pills. I suffered from shedding but my main issue was breakage. I have lost half the thickness i had in December. I am applying only oils to my scalp now every 2 days. I am hoping to stop my breakage by my next update in June.
I am so sorry this has happen to you. I have been there with mn before. I was using it like a grease on the scalp, did not take long to find out it was not agreeing with me. I had individual in at the time and the whole braids came out in the bed...everywhere. Maybe an allergic reaction??? It is a med. None the less ended up with bald spots and my husband cut it all the way down 2 weeks in a row. Talking about tearing... ...snot & tears all over the place. Good news, there was not any long term damage. After I discontinued use and cut down (my only option) it grew right back. It looks like you have some length and if the spots are small, you should be able to cover them. Your reg growth should not have change. At this point I don't knock anyone else adventures, but personally I don't use anything on my scalp. Just creeping down the hair highway at 1/2 in per month. You will get to your goals.:grin:

Thanks so much for sharing that with me, I am sorry that happened to you. I have some bad shedding in the front, messed up my already messed up Sade hair line, LOL, but I am so sorry that happened. I am totally done, my toilet said thanks it was hungry, I said your welcome. Now it's the process of recovery, I am just dissappointed that most likely I won't reach my goal quite as soon as I wanted.

Things could always be worse, but I am greatful no permenant damage was done. Just hide the mirrors for a few months. :(

I love you girls, you ladies make me feel better, even though I feel like crap. I know I am not the first or last person who's going to want to Whack it off when something like this happens. I just wanted to say Thank YOU! I couldn't find the scissors anyway :look:
Sorry this happened to you OP. I actually am in the same boat. I lost pratically all my progress due to breakage. :nono: I was using a MT, oil mix of 30% MT, 70% (castor, jojoba,grapeseed) and my hair has never broken this much. I was moisturizing daily with a water based moisturizer, (NTM) and deep conditioning with mosturizing conditioners twice a week. I was also taking garlic pills. I suffered from shedding but my main issue was breakage. I have lost half the thickness i had in December. I am applying only oils to my scalp now every 2 days. I am hoping to stop my breakage by my next update in June.

OMG, me too, I was co-washing with V05 and then deep conditioning with NTM, then I would shampoo and then deep condition again with Ion Moisture Extreme felt like butter. But popped like corn still. I mixed with about 30-35% MT and the rest oil - Jojoba, emu, Castor oil, wonder six oil.

I agree ladies, what works for some may not work for all. If it isn't broke, Please don't try to fix it, sometimes we get impatient and then things like this happens.
Things could always be worse, but I am greatful no permenant damage was done. Just hide the mirrors for a few months. :(

Just cover it up, scarves, headbands, etc. Don't whack, if you don't have to. Maybe you can try steam treatments. I know that have made a big differance in improving the condition of my hair now.
It ain't for everybody, I can say that, its just the luck of the draw. Sorry this happened to you....your hair will recover before you know it.
Things could always be worse, but I am greatful no permenant damage was done. Just hide the mirrors for a few months. :(

Just cover it up, scarves, headbands, etc. Don't whack, if you don't have to. Maybe you can try steam treatments. I know that have made a big differance in improving the condition of my hair now.

Spill it! What's the steam treatments about?

Yeah, I think I will just wear my scarf.
I'm sorry JJ. How often were you applying the mix to your scalp. I actually just started this very same mix (MN and MT with oils) this week. I'm a little worried now. Hmmm.
Well you know what some ladies have used it and it works for them. For me I used 4 days out of the week at first and then I upted my moisture and took it down to 2-3 days but it still was not agreeing with me.
Things could always be worse, but I am greatful no permenant damage was done. Just hide the mirrors for a few months. :(

Just cover it up, scarves, headbands, etc. Don't whack, if you don't have to. Maybe you can try steam treatments. I know that have made a big differance in improving the condition of my hair now.

Spill it! What's the steam treatments about?

Yeah, I think I will just wear my scarf.

Yes, I wanna know too!!! I just started steaming myself, so I have yet to see a MAJOR improvement.
I am sorry this happened to you. Breakage can be a real:flyingwit . Just pamper your hair with plenty of moisture and the breakage should stop soon.:yep:
Oh Friend - I am so sorry you are going through this...I have the MT but I never applied to my scalp - I use it as protein condish and follow up with a moisturizing dc - My hair is too fine to put anything on my scalp - it has definitely strengthened my hair. I have to be mindful that this stuff was made for horses not too mention their cracked hooves (that is like trying to fix a cracked rock - horses have some rough a** feet)

But don't give up friend - maybe you can use it to repair your hair - I normally leave it on for about 15 minutes - sometimes I use it as a overnight prepoo and mix it with moisturizing dc (AO HSR)
