No Heat Users - Would You Ever Flat Iron...


New Member
just for hair pics? I haven't seen my true length yet after going with absolutely no heat for close to 11 months now (I threw away all my heating appliances and utensils when I came to LHCF). I finally got a retouch after 14 weeks - the longest I've ever stretched a relaxer in my life - and part of me would like to see what straight hair looks like on me. You know, that curiosity? My hair is not relaxed straight, it's more texturized since I leave my relaxer in for less than half the time. I've been looking at and pricing good flat irons again but the other part of me hesitates when I visualize myself running the iron along my hair. I've never used a flat iron before and I certainly don't want any setbacks. I'm not in a big hurry to use heat either since my hair has been thriving without it. I just wonder what my hair would look like straight...
Those of you who haven't used heat in a while, do you ever think about this too? Or do you let those thoughts pass on by?
Thanks Cutebajangirl. I haven't mastered wrapping yet but I thought one's hair needs to be relaxed straight first. I could be wrong though.
I am going to do it! I know my hair has grown and I want to see the length instead of this darn shrinkage! I'm going to get braids soon and I want to take before braid and after braids pics!
I would flat iron. I just jumped on the no heat bandwagon so im not that far removed.
For me the key is limiting heat. If you flat iron your hair and are very careful (don't use a high heat setting, heat protectant etc.) I don't see the problem. Ans it's not like you'll be flat ironing everyday you just want to see the length so I don't see a problem.
I've let the thought pass me on by. As someone else mentioned, I would rather go through the trouble of roller setting rather than risk potential damage with heat.
I'm scared of heat. I have seen to many "it was only one time" bad experiences to know my hair would melt like a cheap plastic spoon on a hot plate if I used heat on it.

I second the idea of rollersetting the hair on a cool setting, then wrapping the hair over night.
I don't think that one time would hurt but be sure to use low heat. You have such beautiful hair, Isis. Let us know what you decide.
I haven't used a blow dryer directly in a long time, about 4 years ago. But I have used one attached to a bonnet on medium setting. and i am terribly fearful of a curling iron-- dont even know how to use one (last time a stylist used one on me was about 3 years). most of the heat I have used has been from a hooded dryer and I never owned a flat iron. my hair is thick and I think I'd fall asleep doing the crown of my hair, which is the thickest part. Some fool flat ironed a portion of my hair without permission and I was horribly mad

I don't think so.
I haven't used heat in a while. My hair has improved a lot. Before my hair would look like it's been deep fried and raked over coals, and this was when I used heat protectant product. Plus I texturized my hair so I don't worry about frizzies that much.
For hair pics? No!

Having said that, I do have a nice ceramic flat iron that I used a year ago on a low setting and got a cool Ms Ross poof. I will do that again when I feel motivated to spend 2+ hours on my hair.
I would recommend doing a rollerset first to straighten out the hair some. Then flatiron on the lowest heat needed for your hair.

Also, test out a few areas of your hair with the flatiron first with heat setting ectera. Then wash and make sure your curls come back...if that's something you're worried about.
I have never used a flat iron in my hair, in the past I used to have a Dominican blowout at the salon.
I have bought a GHD ceramic flat iron and I am planning to use it every 4 months.
For me is important to see my real length because it gets me more motivated and I want to have some fun with my hair too.

I would do it. I bought a flat iron recently and used it to trim my hair evenly. I liked the look too. But even with the nice results I got, I still don't plan on using it more than 2-4 times a year--TOO LAZY!

ETA: this would be the only form of heat I use on my hair besides a heating cap or hood dryer w/plastic cap for my hot oil treatments. I don't ever blowdry or even rollerset.