No combing. No brushing.


New Member
Hi all,

Just curious if I'm the only one out there whose only tool for detangling and styling is my good ole' ten digits. I haven't put a comb in my hair for about 2 years. I used to brush just the edges of my hair when wet, but I virtually stopped that when I realized that the little hairs crowning my head were breakage and not baby hair (for special occasions, I'll pull out the boar bristle). I find that I can achieve the same look whether twists or slicked back buns with my fingers, good conditioners/detanglers, gel, water and a scarf. I'm a natural 4A, and my breakage has practically ground to a halt since adopting these techniques.

I tried it in December and early January, but my new growth coils are tiny and tight. There was excessive matting at the root. It didn't help that I used too much sticky Sta-Sof-Fro during detangling...

I'm back to the comb.
Thats me too. I only use a comb when i am get cornrows. Other than that its my fingers for me. i mainly detangle my hair while water from my shower if falling on it. Then i gently "claw" my hair with my fingers to separate and lossen tangles
I tried that, and ended up with a bunch of single-strands knots. I went back to detangling with a wide-toothed comb, and now my K-cutter comb.
No your not the only one. I have been using my fingers for detangling for the past 2 months...but new growth is coming in A LOT faster. I HAVE TO use the comb. I try to use the brush and comb as less as possible. Laying off of them has really helped minimize my shedding.
I think cheerbear is just being cheery, I think brushing for natural or thick hair ppl IS A BIG NO NO
, the curlys r just to tight, and brushing I think just damages the hair, I have toss out my new brush, give it my bro, no more brushing, I cant do without a wide mouth comb, too have for me, I would love to learn the method of 10 fingers but for now its seems like too much time and too diffucult, ty
i haven't used my comb or brush since going natural. I have a short cut and all I do is condition and use my biolage glaze everyday. i finger comb and go.
No, you're not the only hair is texturized and whenever I'm wearing it curly, I nevery comb it--it frizzes out the curls. I just finger style after running my hair under the shower.
Caralexis, what was funny was that I could never get away with not using a comb to comb my hair...Anyhow, I figured out today that I lose much less hair due to breakage when I comb with a small tooth comb as opposed to a wide tooth comb..cant figure out why yet
Welcome stowaway! I comb with my fingers during the week but I comb from root to tip before washing to clear away the shed hair and to detangle. But if you can get by without it, that's great because there's probably less potential damage. You know what's best for your hair.
When I was natural I never combed. Now that I'm texturized I comb once a week right before washing. However I don't even own a brush. I think this definitely works because I've gotten and maintained more growth in the last 2 years than I've ever gotten.
Thanks for the responses, everyone. And also for the messages of welcome. This site and most definitely all of you are such wonderful sources of knowledge and inspiration.

I was really inspired to post this as my first message because I've experienced a lot of success since doing away with my comb and brush. I had seen so many long, beautiful dreadlocks and at some point it just clicked for me that if their growth could be achieved by giving up the combs and brushes, so could mine (despite not being locked). I've always had long hair. It's never been permed, and I stopped pressing it regularly about ten years ago. But it's only recently that I've reached bra strap length and a little bit beyond. I'm sure nothing has contributed to that as much as giving up the tools.

Anyways, that's all. Thanks ladies.

Welcome and thanks for the great tip this is my first time going natural. I've been wearing my hair out for about 5 days I've noticed that my hair has shorter pieces all over. I've been using that
pick, thinking that the spaces between the teeth where wide enough. I feel like crying a little bit .... now I know what the problem is I will not be combing or picking when I wear my hair out.

Again thank you for the heads up
megonw said:
I tried it in December and early January, but my new growth coils are tiny and tight. There was excessive matting at the root.
I'm back to the comb.

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Me too! When I got a touch-up last week, it killed my poor scalp while my stylist tried to part my hair to apply the relaxer. After she washed it out, I lost so much hair that I thought there would be none left on my head!! I think most of it was from shedding.... but it got too tangled in my hair and probably caused more harm than good.
From now on, I'll detangle thoroughly at least once a week, but just use my fingers in between...
CheerBear said:
What is the difference between a seamless comb and one with seams???

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This is the best explanation I've seen. It's from Brenda Sliker's "report" (

Let's talk about the combs we use.
You probably do not spend a great deal of time thinking about the comb you use. Just so you know, I can't sleep at night knowing how it can be destroying your hair. Pull out your comb and take a look at it now. Wide-tooth, small-tooth; it doesn't matter. If you are ripping your hair out with it , it's too small. Okay, that's the obvious. Now imagine, if you will, this comb being manufactured by the selling company. A mold of the comb is designed. Molten plastic is poured into the mold and cooled. Please listen carefully; this is one reason why your hair won't grow. The mold is separated and the comb is now ready for use and sold to you. Look carefully at the seam that runs down the center of the handle. That seam also runs down the teeth and through your hair. Now reach for that microscope and place one tooth under the lens. Do you see that? It looks like a jagged shelf protruding out from the tooth. That shelf allowed to run through your cottony soft hair will work like hedge trimmers. Every day. Several times a day. You, yes you, have been aiding and abetting this criminal act against your hair, slicing and dicing the hair shaft. Why our hair and not anyone else's? Our wonderful hair wraps itself around the comb, the fingers, and itself with deliberate attachment. Other ethnic hair falls away from the comb resisting the urge to cling, attach, and rip. We just can't tolerate the comb's imperfection. You don't have to throw out the comb because I have a suggestion. Use any nail file, from coarse to fine. Keep filing until the teeth feel smooth to the touch of your fingers. Just make sure you don't hear ripping while you comb. There are some combs out now that dip the teeth in a smooth coating that is very compatible with our requirements. We all lose hair as we comb and brush but you can tell the difference when you shred and tear at your hair. You can even hear the sound of your hair ripping. We have been ignoring this sound due to time constraints. So now, pay attention to it, then be consciously aware of any product you use and the sound of tearing, snagging hair.

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I can't imagine not combing my hair once every day or two. If I waited longer than that I would have the worst tangles!
I still use a seamless wide-tooth comb on my hair but I stopped using a brush a long time ago. Even the boar bristle brushes were taking too much hair out and breaking it off. My hair has gotten much longer and thicker since letting the brush go.
Welcome aboard stowaway

I use a wide seamless comb but I do not use any brushes. This is since reading Cathy Howse's book last summer and also reading somewhere that constantly brushing hair is comparable to brushing a cashmere or mohair jumper
- eventually it will start to thin out.