No combing/brushing for me!

Do you comb or bursh your natural hair?

  • I use a wide toothed comb.

    Votes: 30 36.6%
  • My denman

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • Finger only for me

    Votes: 22 26.8%
  • Alternate

    Votes: 22 26.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hello laides. I am newly natural with a 3 inch twa. Well I'm learning my natural hair. One thing I've learned is that my hair does not like to be brushed even when wet with conditioner on it. It seems that after combing through it with a denaman brush (in the shower while co-washing) my hair turns out puffy instead of curly no matter what I put on it. When I started just co washing and finger combing and tada! great curls all over and very little puff.

I know there are some naturals here that have a no brush/comb reggie. I wonder how many naturals are doing that. Why and why not?
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My hair mats too easily to feel confident that its truly detangled to go without using my shower comb, then denman knockoff.
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If wearing my hair out, I comb it after drenching it with S Curl. Otherwise most of the time I'm in braids or twists and finger-combing is how I roll when I have to redo my twists or braids. I find undoing braids with combs very clumsy and actually they slow me down. Just have always used fingers and since I work on one twist/braid at a time, I just never need a comb.
I have to comb. My hair gets matted really quickly if i don't. I usually detangle using hair detangler and a wide tooth comb on dry hair.
Hey there.

I think we're in the same boat...with about the same length.

I comb about once every 7-10 days simply because that seems to be about when I need to detangle. It's still short enough that major tangling isn't an issue yet.

The reason I chose to not comb a lot is because of Sylver2. When she was going through her one year stretch. She retained most if not all of her growth and was dealing with a lot of hair - natural and relaxed. If she could get hair with two textures to behave that well, I figure I can do it with one texture.

So far, it's working for me...

My length isn't much (just starting to move out of the TWA stage) but I am finding that even as it grows a little, if I keep it simple and stick to the rules of detangling in the shower and using a conditioner with lots of slip and moisturizing like crazy, it's all good.

I hope I can keep up my regimen as the time passes...

The only time I comb or brush my hair is when doing twists. Otherwise I fingercomb to style and finger comb in the shower. I don't need to brush/comb my hair as it doesn't really tangle or mat.
I hardly ever comb now. I can go months at a time. You'd think my hair would be tangled like there's no tomorrow, but it's actually doing very well and I'm losing a lot less hair. My curl pattern also stays intact now. So I think it's definately part of the reason I'm seeing less tangling.
From combing 2 per day I have gradually reduced my combing to every 2 to 4 weeks. I do brush with a soft bistle brush to smooth my hair when I bun
I do not comb daily, I think out of laziness. I wear a bun always so twice a day I moisturize and seal. I am in the baggy challenge, so I take down my hair nightly to re-moisturize before bed. I don't comb it though.

I use a wide tooth comb to detangle whenever I wash/co-wash. I am natural, and my hair is too long to be dealing with terrible bouts of detangling. I'd hate that more than anything, I lose very little hair.
I don't make combing a habit. I usually wear my hair twisted, so I don't use a comb for that at all. Grab, twist and finger detangle if needed. I use a comb or Denman brush about once every 2-3 months. Much less stress for me and my hair.
I don't use any combs either. This is my second time being natural. My hair is not really as long as the first time I went natural so it will be interesting to see what happens when I get some more length. I have fine textured hair and I think that is the reason it doesn't tangle.
I comb in the shower with conditioner, I'll also comb with tons of leave in conditioner. Other than that I finger comb. Brushes are not and never have been my friend, even when I was relaxed.
Interesting question, I too am a newly natural. I really don't have a twa. I just learned three days ago, my daily washed hair loves sulfate free conditioner and doesn't like the comb, however, the nape seems to get a little tangled. I have to pull out the afro comb. (Smile) After wetting or washing, I've been using Suave Coconut Conditioner, my hair loves this stuff. Finally, after spending countless number of dollars on products, who would have thought a product from Walmart does the natural good. Also, At this length, I actually use my hands to smooth out my curls best. This afternoon, I smooth out with my hands and only brush the sides, I guess I have 4z curls, yuk, but I put on a doo rag for a minute and I have sweet gamine hairstyle. I hope this helps. Now, I have to find an oil without Silicon.

Maybe I will try the no combing thing. I co-washed the other day and didn't comb it through cuz I was rushing to the store before it close and don't you know my hair was the business that day! lol
I think I'm alone, because when I wash, I detangle with a Denman.

I do NOT however use a brush or anything like that post-detangling. I'll finger style at best.
As long as I co-wash in the morning, then rinse again, moisturize and seal at night, I don't have to comb every day. When I do detangle (every now and then), it is only on a DC day using a wide-toothed comb, and I too lose very little hair.
When my hair was shorter, I loved fingercombing. Fingercombing still gets the best wash n go results for me, however it also gets me the most tangles and knots. I say you should stick with it while it works for you, but just to keep an eye out of single strand knots and such as your hair gets longer.
For me I find that combing begets itself. Because I've been trying to protect my ends more, I keep my hair twisted and tucked unless I'm out some where, and I detangle with my fingers. Because I detangle in sort of a shingling motion (generally with lustrasilk involved--pretty much nothing else gives me that kinda slip without silicones) and i don't agitate the strands too much while washing, fingers are good for me. I find when i deviate i break up what little clumping i might have gotten, and then my hair actually tangles more-- not to mention general wear and tear from the combs.
i went for about 3 months without combing/brushing at.all. i only used my fingers in the shower with condish in my hair. the only time during that period that a comb touched my hair was if I was detangling for twists or detangling to wear a fro (which was very rare). now I find that combing with a wide tooth comb in the shower actually helps to define my coils. weird but it works for wash'n'go look.
Im transitioning now again but when i was natural I would detangle my hair while applying my DC and not comb again once i rinsed the conditioner out to keep my curls; My hair was still detangled though so i had no problems
I Denman brush to detangle wet, loaded with conditioner before twists are done-sometimes shower comb at the ends, other than that my hair is finger combed for a chunky fro.
For the past 3 months, I only finger comb once a week.

I wear my hair in two strand twists primarily, and for me the style promotes virtually tangle free hair. I rarely wear my hair "out" anymore. My entire regimen is based on keeping my hair tangle-free. When I shampoo and condition, I work in 6-8 sections, focusing on one section at a time.
I tried finger combing for a month (moisturizing every day). No. Single Strand Knots.
I tried detangling with a Denman brush. No. Broken hair on top of my head.

What works for me is 3 steps:
1) Finger detangle
2) Shower comb
3) Denman grooming comb (great buy, 2 pounds/ 2 dollars).

Since I want to avoid SSK, I do it after my pre-poo under running water (so I have a lot of oil and conditioner in my hair), as well as after the shower when I have applied my leave-ins/styling products.
Relaxed head here -- I comb on poo days when detangling. Rarely do I comb otherwise. I bun 99% of the time so I finger comb most days but if I'm having a bad hair day where my strands are not laying flat, I will do 1 of 3 things to help slick my hair down -- use a toothbrush to slick stubborn hairs down, graze a boar bristle brush across top layer or graze a fine tooth comb over the top layer. I prefer the toothbrush method as I'm able to apply as much pressure as I like and cause no ripping, breaking or tearing. I've retained length much better since adopting low manipulation/wet bunning as my style staple. I'm a newbie so fabulous growth to report but I'm looking to change that real soon.