Niko's cousin at Starbucks!


Well-Known Member
So, I was at Starbucks this afternoon getting some coffee and I started talking to a young lady there. She commented on my skin, and I told her that I go back and forth between African Black soap and castor oil. Then she asked, "Are you Niko's cousin?", and was like, "Yes!", and so there we were, screaming in Starbucks! :lachen: She said that the mention of castor oil is what clued her in that I was a member of the forum! I know the folks in line where like, WTH? :look: But it was so great since that's the first time it happened. We gave each other our screen names, but she is still getting her account set up (I guess she has been lurking), so R, get your account set up so we can chat! She had a very cute natural 'do, BTW!

Just thought I share! :)
That was so nice!

Your story told me what I've been wondering for a long time...who's Niko's cousin? Now it seems so obvious since Niko works on the site's maintenance...:yep: I used to thhink it was another hair line or product that I haven't yet tried. :lachen:
So, I was at Starbucks this afternoon getting some coffee and I started talking to a young lady there. She commented on my skin, and I told her that I go back and forth between African Black soap and castor oil. Then she asked, "Are you Niko's cousin?", and was like, "Yes!", and so there we were, screaming in Starbucks! :lachen: She said that the mention of castor oil is what clued her in that I was a member of the forum! I know the folks in line where like, WTH? :look: But it was so great since that's the first time it happened. We gave each other our screen names, but she is still getting her account set up (I guess she has been lurking), so R, get your account set up so we can chat! She had a very cute natural 'do, BTW!

Just thought I share! :)

O, wow, that's neat!!!!! I too WISH I ran into Nikos cousin and n'em!....I know they're around here in Saudi somewhere!!
this is funny.....what are the odd huh? :yep::yep:

I know there are a couple cousins in Nola.....I've yet to bump into them though.
I have never met any Niko's cousins but I got really excited when I found out that one of my friends was into hair too and on the hunt for healthy hair online. Then I pointed her here:grin: We were both so relieved and excited to be able to talk hair with somebody IRL all the time!
That story is so cute!

BTW: If any of you meet me in person, please do not ask me if I am Nikos' cousin. Instead, just ask if I am a member of LHCF. Thanks.
Oh how cute....well I have Jamaica Lovely on my license tag so if my ATL peeps see me, toot your horn and yell "Hey R U Niko's cousin?":iroc:


I hang out at Camp Creek a lot. Once that new Starbucks opens up, you can catch me there.:wave:
I think I saw one at church on Saturday, but I was too shy to ask. She had full BSL, like....on her way to MBL hair I think it was rollerset, unless she just curled the ends. I was freaking out because although I've seen plenty long hair pics on here, I've never seen that in real life yet. The longest I've seen was like....APL on the way to BSL. My husband said he wasgoing to ask her if she was nikos cousin so he could see her face go like :look:. She kept looking at me too so I wonder if maybe she saw my fotki or something? But I had a wig on so I don't think I looked the same...ehh I think we're going to visit there again this week so I'll ask eventually.
Oh how cute....well I have Jamaica Lovely on my license tag so if my ATL peeps see me, toot your horn and yell "Hey R U Niko's cousin?":iroc:


I hang out at Camp Creek a lot. Once that new Starbucks opens up, you can catch me there.:wave:

lol that fits on your plates!?
Wait...I just thought about it.

I have a cousin that lives in my subdivision. We figured it out when she saw my address on an evite when I invited the ATL ladies to one of my parties.

Hey Steph:wave:
Awwww, cute story! I live in South Holland, Illinois and frequent Chicago ALOT so I should have ran into Niko's cousin by now:wallbash:. I thought I did one time at the Currency Exchange, I asked her was she Niko's cousin and she was like...HUH???? Nope, I don't have a cousin name Niko...Oh well, It will happen. I just know it! The Chi's too big a place:yep:
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