Newcomer Advice Request


OK, so my title isn't all that thrilling, :lol: , but it is what it is. I finally caved in and paid to be a member so I could post and stuff. Yay!

Let me start with a little about my situation. Currently I am wearing my hair in its natural state, 4a/4b -- I think, although I've seen some pictures that make me wonder if mine is not 200z: really bad. LOL Anyhow, it's been this way for about 2 years now. I like variety in my life, and my hair has gotten to a point where I want something different. Like a relaxer. I am considering Phyto, heard some really great things about it on here.

Question 1: My hair is very coarse and thick. Would I be able to "tex-lax" (sounds strange writing it, I could be wrong) my hair using Index II? I am not looking for bone straight hair.

Question 2: What should I do to my hair now? I am really, really bad with hair but I want to learn. How can I get my hair in the best condition possible?
Hi Shay and welcome to the board! :)
O.K., let me answer your questions:

I've used Phyto...I did like it, but after a while it seemed to build up on my was weird, I don't know how else to explain it. But you can successfully texlax with it, I've seen it done.

What kind of shape is your hair in right now...short, long, breaking, healthy?
And tell us a little about how often you wash, condition etc. That way the ladies can whip out their advice manuals in a big way! :grin:
Thanks for responding to my post, WomanlyCharm. My hair is currently between chin and shoulder length (almost shoulder length). It is very very tightly coiled, and tends to snap and break when trying to untangle or comb. I think my hair is healthy. What kind of criteria do you use for that? It will grow, if that's what you're asking. I tend to actually wash my hair about once a week, my cousin who *visits* this board told me about co washes so I will do that about once a week as well.
I agree with the co-washing being good for your hair...I do every so often,
but along with the benefits I seem to get alot of buildup, so I try not to overdo it.

It sounds like your hair is in pretty good shape...there are products (like a good leave in conditioner) that can help with the snapping ends, also using a wide tooth comb will help.

I'm sure some of the natural ladies on the board will step in to help you out a bit more...ladies??? Any advice? :)