Newbie with lots of questions.


Well-Known Member
I have been lurking for a couple of weeks and have learned so much about haircare that I didn't know before.

I am a transitioning (I didn't know there was a name for it) 4a(?) looking to start anew with healthy hair. I haven't had a relaxer since December and have about 3-4 inches of new growth along with some pathetic damaged relaxed ends that I'm hanging onto for the sake of making buns/ponytails.

I have a sensitive scalp and am tired of chemical burns and damaged hair. However, after seeing how so many women on this site have maintained healthy relaxed hair I may give it another shot-- but not before I have natural hair for a bit.

I'm also a salon-a-phobe. I haven't seen the inside of a salon for years. I have an intense fear of sitting in a cramped space an hour past my appointment time followed by being stuck under a too-hot dryer then blow-dried to death just for nice hair that lasts a week
For this reason I am eager to learn how to properly care for my hair.

I have so many questions but don't want to be annoying so I'll only ask a few at a time.

1) Pre-shampoo treatments what exactly are they for? Won't coating your hair with oil make it harder for the shampoo to clean dirt and residue from your hair?

2)Applying products-- after washing your hair, what order should products be applied to the hair-- there's the leave-in, Setting lotion, Oil,Moisturizer--where do I start?

3)Do I need to use a setting lotion if I air-dry my hair and plan to use a flat iron. Is the setting lotion only effective for blow-dried styles?)

Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer:)
Welcome Sridevi! Okay, let's see if I can take a whack here:

1) Pre-shampoo treatments are for detangling, softening the hair to make it more manageable. It's not hard to rinse/shampoo out because the oils used are light.

2). Definitely start with the leave-in first. You can put on anything else, after that.

3). If you plan to blow dry/flat iron you should use a heat protectant, not setting lotion.


Others should be able to provide even more info!
Second whack

In addition to what TL said, a preshampoo can alleviate stripping the hair's natural oils - a common excuse for infrequent washing. Its like insurance against aggressive cleansers. Products and build up will come off the hair pretty readily. Getting the hair clean is much less complicated than people think.

I agree with starting with a leave in and would submit that starting with JUST leave in and seeing how that works for you might be a good place to begin. You can use more product - but many of us, out of habit, don't even know how little product our hair can take.

TL hit it on the head with the last point as with the others. This is just some more to consider.

Welcome and good luck!
1) Pre-shampoo treatments what exactly are they for? Won't coating your hair with oil make it harder for the shampoo to clean dirt and residue from your hair?
I never knew what they were or never heard of anyone doing one until I joined this forum. Once I tried it for the first time, my hair was in love. My hair feels much better and is more manageable. You dont have to use an oil. I use Suave Naturals Coconut Conditioner as a pre-shampoo treatment and it doesn't make my hair hard to shampoo out.

2)Applying products-- after washing your hair, what order should products be applied to the hair-- there's the leave-in, Setting lotion, Oil,Moisturizer--where do I start?
Like the other ladies said...apply the leave-in FIRST. I use Motions Leave-in conditioner. Then u can apply the oils and moisturizers. I only use setting lotion if I do rollersets but most of the time I can do without.

3)Do I need to use a setting lotion if I air-dry my hair and plan to use a flat iron. Is the setting lotion only effective for blow-dried styles?)
Do not use setting lotion if u plan to airdry or flat iron. I believe it would make your hair hard. If you want to blow dry your hair with something, use a serum, glossing polish, or some type of other heat protectant. I use Silk Elements Glossing Polish.
Hi, glad to see you "delurking" here, and welcome!

1) Pre-shampoo treatments what exactly are they for? Won't coating your hair with oil make it harder for the shampoo to clean dirt and residue from your hair?

I don't think pre shampoo treatments are something I've done, unless you mean conditioning washes, or keeping my ends lubricated. When you wash, You can get away with doing one good lather. A lot of people like to do more to get a sqeaky clean scalp, but I find that a good rinse under the shower, and then shampooing does a world of good for my hair.

2)Applying products-- after washing your hair, what order should products be applied to the hair-- there's the leave-in, Setting lotion, Oil,Moisturizer--where do I start?

When I apply products after washing my hair I do the leave in conditioner, wildgrowth hair oil (me personally), and a serum (like friz ease). This keeps my hair feeling smooth and my hair stays pretty straight. I do all of this while my hair is wet because I find that once my hair is dry the products leave my hair feeling soft, and it doesn't have an overpowering smell.

3)Do I need to use a setting lotion if I air-dry my hair and plan to use a flat iron. Is the setting lotion only effective for blow-dried styles?)

I haven't really used a liquid setting lotion in a long time. When blowdrying or flat ironing I use my trusty wildgrowth hair oil and hair gloss. I find that it not only seals in moisture, but setting lotion has left my hair crispy and I don't like the way it feels.