Newbie with a question


New Member
Hi ladies. I have been lurking and trying to absorb all the information I can to help in my desire to grow my hair. I just have a question for you that may seem stupid, but when you apply your moisturizer, how do you do it?

Typically I add it like I would grease, but instead of putting in on my scalp, I put it on my new growth. I section my hair and apply. My last texturizer was in December , so right now i have my own little forest in there:). Once I put the moisturizer on my hair, then i seal it with an oil (coconut or castor). After i have put it on over my entire head, I massage my scalp to get it flowing ( I don't really know why I do that, but it seems good ). But in reading the threads, I am beginning to feel like maybe I should not be doing this. The bottles typically say place a quarter size portion and rub into my hair... but i worry about it really not doing the job.

What do you ladies do? Any information would really help me. Thanks!
Ok, well i just sort of rub it in... Like i get a glob of it, and put it all over my hair.. I typically have applied my MTG and my Surge 14 before hand so my moisterizer gets on the hair only, no scalp.....

When using a creamy moisturizer, I just put some in my hands, rub them together, lift my hair up in different spots and rub it on my hair. Sometimes, I put it on by running my fingers through my hair.

When I use a liquid moisturizer, I lift my hair up in different spots and spray it.
Mestiza said:

When using a creamy moisturizer, I just put some in my hands, rub them together, lift my hair up in different spots and rub it on my hair. Sometimes, I put it on by running my fingers through my hair.

When I use a liquid moisturizer, I lift my hair up in different spots and spray it.

yeah this is how I apply my moisturizers too!..and I also make sure that my ends are moisturized as well.:)
Thanks for the welcome and info ladies!

Is your new growth under control when you moisturize like this? I am trying to break bad habits... and I think the need to apply my moisturize the way I do may be a bad habit. Plus I am a little heavy handed with my product so...

Keep the comments coming!