Newbie with a few questions.


New Member
Hello ladies,
I have some questions that maybe someone can help me with. I have been a member here for about two months after looking around for a bit. When I joined I was 7 weeks post relaxer with very little new growth. I am now 14 weeks post and I have gained more new growth but mostly in the middle of my head. Normally this would be when I would relax my hair but in my quest for longer,healthier hair I am trying to see how long I can strech. I have actually gone six months with no relaxer, but I had braids in. I didn't gain much lenth because, I was not taking proper care of my hair.
Okay on to the questions. As I said don't have much new growth all over. Does anyone else have this issue? If so is it a good thing or a bad thing? Am I doing something wrong? I am not sure of my hair type I think it 4a/4b but I'm not sure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks:)
Welcome:) I am about 6 wks post relaxer, and I have about an inch of ng in the back, and about 1/4 inch in the front, where I want it the most:D It is just the way my hair grows:perplexed
This is completely normal. Growth rates vary for different spots on your head. Like you, my crown has the most NG. My nape and sides seem to grow the slowest.