Newbie seeking assistance!!


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am a new to you member aka newbie of LHCF. Lol. I have been trying to find a starting point on here but I haven't quite found one. [insert quiet scream of help now] Please Help!!!!.

Anyway I recently did a BC (I think that means big chop, if not thats what i going from SL to a RL(Rihanna Length..ha ha) not for any other reason than boredom. But not my hair is unmanageable because my hair is so short i can't curl it my self. I have been thinking about going natural but I am curious will I have to get a fade first???? Or can I just wait for it to grow out more and then do another BC?? But then I may have to stay relaxed because my hair without one is like the tiger at the zoo. Yeah you don't wanna mess with it!!

Also I need product recommendations asap! My hair is dry and damaged, and THICK in the middle and thin at the edges?? Can anyone say annoying? Yeah I know.

I have tried to just snoop around and find out for myself but there are too many threads and not enough time. So if you could or would help a sister out. I would greatly appreciate it. Peace and Love Ladies!
Anyway I recently did a BC (I think that means big chop, if not thats what i going from SL to a RL(Rihanna Length..ha ha) not for any other reason than boredom. But not my hair is unmanageable because my hair is so short i can't curl it my self. I have been thinking about going natural but I am curious will I have to get a fade first???? Or can I just wait for it to grow out more and then do another BC?? But then I may have to stay relaxed because my hair without one is like the tiger at the zoo. Yeah you don't wanna mess with it!!

Also I need product recommendations asap! My hair is dry and damaged, and THICK in the middle and thin at the edges?? Can anyone say annoying? Yeah I know.

I have tried to just snoop around and find out for myself but there are too many threads and not enough time. So if you could or would help a sister out. I would greatly appreciate it. Peace and Love Ladies!

I always thought the big chop was when you cut off your relaxed hair without transitioning. It sounds like you just cut your relaxed hair shorter.
You can let your natural hair grow out before you cut(that's transitioning) so you don't have to get a fade.

As for product recs, I don't have any, but try the advanced search. Maybe put in natural, damaged, thin edges, or something like that to find what threads you can use.
Hey! Another Philly girl here - welcome! I can't really help with the products, cuz I'm really simple with mine and haven't had realaxed hair in awhile; but I can help with the bc issues. I've cut my hair quite a few times, both when it was relaxed and finally when I decided to go natural. I just waited until I had enough new growth to need a touch up - and instead of getting a touch up, I chopped it all down to the new growth and let it go from there. I loved it!!! I know that's a big change for a lot of people, so you should give it some thought, but I'll tell you now, it was the easiest way to go natural and not to mention cute and easy to maintain. Good luck!
First of all let me say WELCOME TO LHCF!!!!:hiya:
You already have a good foundation by cutting off damaged ends. Now you need to find a regimen that works for you to maintain the health of your hair, condition & protein to maintain the length once you achieve it. You might also want to look into taking a supplement to nourish from the inside out , I'm a newbie also, but there is a wealth of advice on the newcomers starting out page, lol I haven't learned how to post a link yet, but it's on the fist page at the top of hair care tips reviews and discussion. Feel free to pm me if you need more help, I'll share the little I do know, and what I don't, we can figure out together!!
Hi and welcome. I think you have two issues to resolve first.

Do you want to go natural or stay relaxed? That is the first one and will determine what route you need to do. For instance, if you want to go natural do you want to do the real BC and take off all the relaxed hair or do you want to transition which means you will have to find out how to handle two textures until you reach the length you want before you do the BC.

The other is caring for short relaxed hair or relaxed hair in general since you want to make sure it is healthy no matter which way you go.

As for natural hair, yes many of us on the forum are dealing with it and the first piece of advice I will give you is that going natural is not only changing your hair styles and going back to your natural texture but it is also changing your mental attitude about it.

You will have to go through the rite of passage like many of us because there is no hard and set rule for growing healthy natural hair. Because we have all different types, textures and everything else you will need to find what works for you.

I would recommend if you go this route it may be a while before you know your true texture, unless you know it already, but find someone on the board or in the fotki site and see what is working for them, but understand ALWAYS what works for them may or may not work for you.

Consider it a starting point and then adapt and adjust accordingly.

For relaxed hair I am sure someone will chime in with some great information.

Enjoy your journey whatever you decide and welcome aboard!
I would recommend checking out the fotki's of some ladies w/similar textures to yours. Also search for info on deep conditioning because if you have damage I would suggest upping your deep conditioning. Try looking through the threads that are stickies for newbies, there is alot of good info there