Newbie on board in need of advice


New Member
Hi there everyone! My name is Raquel,I'm 15 and I live in the beautiful island of Barbados. A friend from another board told me about the site and I've been lurking for about a month or so now, I finally need some questions answered:)

Thanx to all the advice I got from my friend my hair is healthy and doing well.I'm about 10 wks post relaxer, b4 then my hair was texturized. I guess I have 4a/b type hair and at the moment its just below my shoulder. That's not really its full length as in the past I had a problem with my mother texturizing/relaxing my hair, so I had to cut it then transition...that's all in the past though cause my hair is doin great and I learned my lesson

Anyways, here's my prob. I don't have trouble with my hair growing, but before there was sooo much I didn't know about haircare so i never retained any hair length. Right now at ten weeks I have a lot of new growth and surprisingly no severe breakage/shedding and I was planning to put off the touchup till the end of summer(last relaxer May25th), to do this first I was gonna get cornrows and then in August when we travel braids, but my mother isn't too keen on waiting so long. At lastest she probally thinks I should get it done in August. I really want to wait longer, but I don't want the wait to be for nothing if my hair suddenly starts breaking severely when I take the braids out. What do u guys think, am I biting off more than I can chew? Should I just try for longer next time?

I await your responses, any advice will be appreciated.

OH and P.s: I apologize for the extra long email!
Welcome to the board. I've never had braids, but if you think that you can manage them with the new growth then go for it. If not, I think you should relax when needed. The longer you put off relaxing the more your hair will start to shed in most cases. What is your reason for wanting to stretch out your relaxing?
Welcome babyblu101! My entire family is from Barbados so it's nice to see a fellow Bajan on the board. I wish I could give you some advice but I don't relax my hair so I can't advise you on how to manage your new growth or when to get a touchup. I'm sure one of these knowledgeable ladies will point you in the right direction. Good luck!
Welcome! My family is from Barbados too. As long as you keep your hair moisturized while it is in braids I don't think you will have problems with breakage.
My family in Boston is from Barbados also. I would suggest just leaving your hair moisturized especially the meeting point between your new growth and relaxed hair. When you get braids make sure you wash them to avoid buildup and then moisture.
Thanks for all your quick replies everyone and nice to meet all you other bajans!

MissJ - I just really want to see how long my hair gets after waiting so long. It's kinda silly I guess but I've never tried stretching out relaxers and retaining growth, so i thought I would be interesting to try it out. Oh and keep all the good advice coming everyone:)
As long as you can handle and deal with the new growth, I say go for that longer period without relaxing your hair. The less chemical application, the better.
Thanks for the encouragement Poohbear!

SingingStar12 thanx, that thread was very informative. By the way does anyone know about no lye relaxers defatting the scalp, I just read it in that catalyst thread. It's off the topic, but I thought no lye was pretty gentle on the scalp.
Oh and btw sorry if I take so long to reply, I'm at school all day so only the only time I have to post is in the evening...