Newbie: Need help with hair type


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I am new to this so bare with me.:look: I just started my healthy hair journey. I'm puzzled by the hair type?:perplexed

Attach below are a couple of pics!! Can you help determine whats my hair type!!

I have a few more questions??

Can u give me a few tips of do's and dont's. I had a hair regime in place for almost two months. I dont see any difference but its gotten a lil maybe I'm expecting too much too soon.

I read people have had success with bunning. I have been bunning now for 2 months and I just dont see it. I do the sock bun, where I comb my hair back to a ponytail. Slide the sock bun on and then comb my hair over and put a ouchless band around it. Tuck the hair coming out under the band in a clockwise position. Is there another bunning method you perfer? I do notice less hair is shedding so its a good thing.

I would like to be APL by end year!! Any information would be greatly apprecitated.
Thanks in advance!!

This is how my hair looks currently! It looks like I'm hitting the number 2 on the shirt. I would love to be hitting 5 by end of the year.

My hair wash with leave in conditioner and air dryed

Same here
Hey fellow Georgian, CHANNYY :welcome:

I'm not a hair type expert, I actually don't care about the typing system but I will say that your hair needs to be product free, manipulation free, and air dried to be "accurately" typed.

From the third picture your hair looks heat trained or you have some sort of chemical (relaxer) in your hair because your roots look like it has a tighter curl than your ends. So hair typing won't be accurate if that is the case.

Oh by the way, do u wrap your sock with satin before forming your hair around it? That should help you retain moisture throughout the day.
Good luck on your journey and once again:welcome4:
your hair looks altered by chemicals or heat, so it's hard to tell. a naked hair pic (no product, washed, and dried) would help out a lot to determine your hair type.
Howdy CHANNYY! :welcome2:

You need to have at least an inch (preferably more) of new growth in order to determine around-about what your hair type is. :yep:

Are you consistently taking length pictures? Sometimes you think you're at a stand-still, see a couple of pictures from three months ago, and are pleasantly surprised. :grin: Taking consistent pictures is crucial. You've been at it for two months, give it a little more time. :)

About the sock bun, it's imperative that you do one of these things:

1. Soak the bun in oil
2. Wrap silk around it
3. Wrap brading hair around it

I personally did #3 when my hair was long enough to bun. :giggle: Since the bun is already made of hair, you don't have to worry about any gaps where your hair won't completely cover. And it won't dry your ends out.

It would also help if you oiled the bands that you use to secure the bun. :yep:

I personally prefer wet bunning, but that may not be an option for you due to the cold weather.

Have you tried baggying? I recommend it to everyone. :love3:

How often are you moisturizing and deep conditioning? That can also have an effect on how much (or little) progress you're making.
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Hey fellow Georgian, CHANNYY :welcome:

I'm not a hair type expert, I actually don't care about the typing system but I will say that your hair needs to be product free, manipulation free, and air dried to be "accurately" typed.

From the third picture your hair looks heat trained or you have some sort of chemical (relaxer) in your hair because your roots look like it has a tighter curl than your ends. So hair typing won't be accurate if that is the case.

Oh by the way, do u wrap your sock with satin before forming your hair around it? That should help you retain moisture throughout the day.
Good luck on your journey and once again:welcome4:
Thank you for response and yes I do have relaxed hair. Sorry I left that out in my previous post. What exactly do you mean by no products? I shouldnt be using anything at all?? I comb my hair every morning when I about to bun? Is that too much. No I have it wrap in a nylon stocking? Will it be okay to use silk??
@ shortdub78 Tomorrow is my wash day so I will repost my pic. Thanks for responding:-)
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I'm not sure if many are going to assist you with hair typing since it is not your "natural texture," I'm no help with typing period so I can't help you either way :lachen:
BUT I just came in to say welcome and to document your journey, even though it may seem like you are not getting anywhere, pictures will show a different story. HHG
@ Tiffers Yes, I just relaxed my hair about 4 weeks so, I will post a pic once I gotten a great bit of new growth. As far as the bun, thanks for the insight. I was totally doing it wrong. I didnt think to wrap silk around the bun. I will going forward make this change. I just started bagging. How many times do you baggy? Do you baggy the whole head or you put in a ponytail and baggy the ends?? Also, do you moisturize your ends first and then baggy. Yes, I heard wet bunning is great but cause of the cold weather and I leave for work at 6:30a.m. You talking about sick....
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@ Ijanei, Thanks for ther response and welcoming to the forum. Yes, I getting it now. Take plenty of pics. I guess I was thinking hey, I take one pic one month and take another the next and I would go from there. I appreciate all the comments!! I feel so much better now!! I was starting to think my hair would never grow.