Newbie: My first EDUCATED self-relaxer


New Member
I did a lot of research before I took the chance of putting in my own relaxer. I think last time I did it, I did not get the back of my head good enough and left some relaxer in. I got tired of bending over the sink and I couldn't tell the pink from white after looking at the suds so many I made some changes.

First, I purchased the ORS no-lye relaxer...can I just say I love this relaxer. The best results I have had in a long time. Here is a quick synopsis of what I did:

I mixed 1/4 cup of EVOO in with the relaxer, let it sit fo a few minutes then blended it thoroughly. I outlined my edges with Vaseline and put vaseline on my length, careful not to coat my new growth. I parted my hair in four parts, used clips to hold it back. With each section I 'outlined' with relaxer, then I finger parted and made sure to only cover my new growth (I don't think I was as careful in the past, now I know better). I did that for all 4 sections, smoothing as I went along. I rinsed in the bath tub for maximum water pressure. After a thorough rinse, I applied Aphogee 2-min reconstructor...I let it sit for about 5 minutes, rinsed thoroughly, applied Elasta QP neutralizer, rinsed, more QP neutralizer, let it sit for 5 minutes, rinsed, applied ORS neutralizer that comes in the box, let it sit for a few minutes, rinsed...all white lather. I then applied the replinishing pak...sat under the dryer with a plastic cap for 45 minutes on low heat, rinsed thoroughly, applied Lacio Lacio leave in, and my spray bottle of purified H2O. Roller set my hair, under the dryer for 1 hour, took out the rollers, wrapped my hair, sat under the dryer for about 15 minutes, broke the wrap and my hair is FABU!!! I looks and feels so incredibly healthy, shiny and managable.

I never would have known how to properly self relax had it not been for this board and especially Sistaslick...thanks hubby can't stop touching it...

ohh, and I haven't had a relaxer since June 12th or my newgrowth was rediculous, but I have so much more length now, a little past shoulder, I had a lot of breakage in the back and that has filled in so much...I cut down on heat and only use flexi rods and rollers. I flat iron maybe once a week (when I needed a relaxer) with my relaxer I will only roller set...I am loving this forum.
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That's great but I, for one, wish that you had pictures:yep:...LOL.

Let's see..your camera is broken....someone borrowed it..or you are about to purchase a new one???? :lachen: Just kidding.....

Really, I think it's great that you self-relaxed and it came out well. I really want to self-relax also so your post is inspirational for me:yep:. Thanks for sharing!'s need to go to Best Buy and purchase another camera...that is on my list to-do for tomorrow...I will make a point to take pic's then.
AAwwww, thanks ladies.

I am sick as two dogs right now, but my hair looks great!

I ordered black color shower from, can't wait to put it in...after my protein treatment on Monday.
I need a relaxer in about 4 weeks, do you live in NY :look:

I am really happy for you, if you can relax your uair properly than everything else will be a piece of cake ^5!
if you can relax your uair properly than everything else will be a piece of cake

I agree 100% w/PrettyHaitian!!!!

La929, I also have been researching and reading tons of materials as prep for my own self-relaxer. I am awaiting my Affirm to arrive, and as soon as it does, I plan to print out all of my notes, and get thru my NG as successfully as you did with yours. You are giving me such inspiration. I am happy you had a good experience. :grin:

Here's a spanking for the lack of pics...:spank: Now, giving you a whoopin' hurt me more than it hurt you to get it. :lachen: Pics next time! :lol: