NEWBIE!!! Lurking since 2007 but finally a real member!!!


New Member
Helloooo all my new LHCF sisters (and maybe brothers)!:hiya2: Jovial_sis87 here (you can just call me Jov). I just wanted to introduce myself.

I've been lurking here since 2007 but i'm just now getting serious about growing healthy hair. It was hard for me to give up my $6.50:nono: but i'm sure its well worth it.'s a little of my background. I had natural but pressed hair all the way up until i was a senior in high school. My hair dressers kept complaining about doing my hair because they said my hair was too thick (and man you don't miss something until its gone). So i decided to get a relaxer (2004)...well that wasn't enough. I decided to get my almost APL hair cut to neck length:wallbash: It was cute at first but it got old after while and I really wanted to get my hair back.

I tried every shampoo, conditioner, relaxer, grease, etc that i thought would be good for my hair and it just wasn't working. Then i found this website in 2007 because some kinda way I found the thread about MN. I tried that for a minute but i wasn't consistent and gave up. I even tried to grow my hair back natural but i couldn't handle my naps.

Well now its 2009 and I finally got my hair back to SL (even though its not as thick as it was) using braids and full head weaves. Now its on to having thicker, healthier, longer hair. Wish me luck! and I hope u have Happy Hair Growing!!!!!:thatsall:
:dance7:Welcome!! We're glad you're here and are looking forward to watching your journey and progress :)
Welcome to the forum! This is such an awesome place and I am happy that you can post now. When you are in braids, you can do the Crown And Glory Method, or use tips from Ajamericandiva (The link to the thread is in the "Favorite Stickies" section." Great to meet you and good luck!