Newbie in need of HELP


New Member
I think I have growing hair the problem is keeping it. I'm tired of hair dressers. Every time I grow my hair out to the middle of my back and go to the salon they manage to break all my hair off. Then I end up cutting it and putting in braids and starting all over again. And when I start over I don't go back to the same hair dresser either. So I don't know if its the chemicals just not agreeing to my hair or the hair dressers I go to. I don't know what to do. If anyone has any suggestions PLEASE HELP. I want to get my own regimen going My Hair type I believe is 4b. I have somewhat thick soft hair. It doesn't take much to straighten my hair.
Girl, you sound like me. My hair would grow like nobody's business then shed out. NOw that I'm natural it's growing like nobody's business but I'm retaining all of it! WOO HOO! I'm a 4a/b, take a look in my fotki and take whatever advice you like and leave the rest. I'm sure there will be others running to your aid. GOOD LUCK! Oh yeah, I think it was the hair dressers plus over processing or too much heat.
I'll suggest for you to STOP going to the hairdresser if everytime you go your hair ends up getting broken. Probably due to the stress put on your scalp when your hair is braided or probably because of the excesive use of heat without using a heat protectant. Start taking care of your own hair, and i bet in time it would get back to health.

My advice is the following. Buy a shampoo that does not contain Sodium Laufyl sulfate, it strips your hair out of its natural oils. If shampoo makes your hair dry then you can wash your hair with baking soda mix with some water(it won't dry your hair). Deep condition weekly and stay away from heat as much as possible. If you are going to use heat, make sure to use a heat protectant. Also, a good leave in conditioner.

Ok i see that you have a relaxer. I am transitioning to natural at the moment and no matter how much i tried, while relaxing my hair i would never retain a lot of length. Now that i am transitioning to natural, i have a lot of NG and no breakage. So maybe you should consider transitiong....Or trying just moisturising your hair.
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Hrm. Are they protecting your ends from run-off from the relaxer? That's my first thought - over time, your ends are getting severely over-processed, and then they just start to give up the ghost.

I hope you can figure out what's causing the breakage.
I havent had any chemical relaxers and the like but I would always get it flat ironed and press and curl at the salon. This year I thing I over did it and my hair started breakin off wayyy too much. I she would always trim off the split ends. I asked her what can I do to stop the breakage and she said by keeping it straight:ohwell:. I totally disagree. I think I'm going to hold of with the heat styling for a while. I'm challenging myself for 4 months. Also, another factor is my hair stylist is inconsistent with product. She started using cheaper stuff :(. That too, my be another reason to cut out salon visits. When I do it myself I always know what going in my hair and what its doing.