Newbie Here


New Member
Well let me first start by saying hello to everyone:wave:, I have been scanning the forum for about two months and I finally joined a couple of days ago. My sister turned me on to this site she's exoticmommie and she wanted me to let everyone know that she had her baby early she started her hair care journey a while ago and started to share with me. HeI'm about 7 months post relaxer and I'm trying to go a year without a perm but I longer I go the tougher it gets. I've been wearing conrows for the last two months and the three months before that I have braids. My question is if I continue to conrow my hair with weave will my hair break off. I take care of my hair by spraying it with braid spray and I oil my scalp with castor oil, vit e oil, coconut oil, and evoo. If anyone has any suggestions for me on caring for my hair while in cornrows I would greatly appreciate it thanks alot.
Welcome!!! Tell your sister congratulations!!! :D

There are lots of members here who are constantly in braids. Check out the Crown & Glory challenge to get tips on what and what not to do. HTH!
Welcome aboard. I almost had synthetic hair added to my post Big Chop twists but glad I did not...I like the look of my natural hair. I'm learning to style my hair au natural and I feel very, very natural and real this way-I can add experimental products without fear of a mess of hair loss or tangling.
Welcome!!! Tell your sister congratulations!!! :D

There are lots of members here who are constantly in braids. Check out the Crown & Glory challenge to get tips on what and what not to do. HTH!

Thank you for the advice, I'm new at this and I still have alot of learning to do.:blush:
Welcome :wave:.

My advice regarding care in cornrows is not keep them in for too long. I think a month should probably be the maximum length of time to keep them in. Make sure to clean your scalp using diluted shampoo, diluted apple cider vinegar (ACV) or baking soda mixed with acv. Check out the crown and glory method for great advice on caring for hair and growing it long whilst in braids.

HTH (hope this helps :))
Welcome to the forum!! Tell exoticmommie congrats on the new baby. :)

I don't wear braids or extension cornrows so I don't really have any advice. I have heard that there are dry shampoos that you might look into using while your hair is braided (to keep your hair fresh). Good luck to you on your hair journey.
Welcome :wave:.

My advice regarding care in cornrows is not keep them in for too long. I think a month should probably be the maximum length of time to keep them in. Make sure to clean your scalp using diluted shampoo, diluted apple cider vinegar (ACV) or baking soda mixed with acv. Check out the crown and glory method for great advice on caring for hair and growing it long whilst in braids.

HTH (hope this helps :))
Thank you I will try that