Newbie Here

Hello everyone, I'm new here, well I've been reading all the threads, but I just decided to subscribe.......all you ladies are so beautiful to share all of your information, and everyone's hair, whether it be relaxed, texlaxed, natural, texturize, locs, braided, etc is so beautiful. I have learned so much on this site......and I love coming here to read new threads. You ladies are very creative........I'm so happy I'm not the only one who wants long hair........but anyways..........well I think I'm a 4a/b, I'm trying to grow my hair to mid-back......and then maybe waist....i'm 5"3, very short, so waist length hair, IMO, won't be that long. My hair is currently a little pass shoulder length, but not bra strap length. I foolishly cut my hair in Aug due to fried ends(before I found this site), and I've been doing protective styling. Ummmm.....My hair grows fast, and it's pretty strong.....but I'm trying to keep everything simple, and have a basic regimen, so far I'm getting there. Oh yea and I'm relaxed, I try to stretch 4 or 5 months, right now I'm currently 4 months......but anyways Nice to meet everyone.........:grin:
:welcome: to the board!!!!!

Hey Tiffers, I just wanted to let you know, I love your hair, and it's because you of I have fallen in love with Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1, I mean I just spray my ends and bun it:grin:, and my ends look so healthy, thank, thank, thank.........I HIGHLY recommend this product for everyone......but ONLY BUY FROM SALLY's.....thanks again for sharing.