Newbie Here!!! Hello to all


New Member
Hello to all the ladies of LHCF :wave: ...I have been a lurker for about a year now and I finally decided what the heck why not join its only $5.00. :grin: Well I just wanted to introduce myself to all you lovely ladies and I am so happy I can finally chime in on all these great topics about what I love the most HAIR, well feel free to check out my fotki and leave comments.

I'm a newbie too! jus joined 2day after lurkin 4 bout a month. im frm london n its only £2.62 for us 2 join so i fort y not?! :grin:
Thanks again for all the love and support ladies, this really feels like I have a bunch of sisters and we all have the same things in common :yep:
...and Choconillaprincess my routine is very simple and it is also listed in my fotki under the "About me" section and thanks for the compliment, thanks to all the ladies:grouphug2: