Newbie! Hello Ladies!!


New Member
Heeey! I've been lurking around here for a while now. It's.. It's time for me to post something lol ..I'm excited. This board has helped me alot since I've started reading here, but I still have a long way to go.

Okay so on to my hair...
I'm a 4a/b natural ..I transitioned for about a year and a half
My hair is about 1 inch below my shoulder when straightened
I have terrible heat damage on one side of my head from straightening my hair with heat :( ..Do you guys think this hair will break off, or if I nurture it it can grow out and I'll trim it as I go along?
Umm.. And I'm a college student trying to deal with the HARD water up here.. I've tried clarifying but my hair has been shedding like crazy since I've started.

I don't really have a regimen? I wash once a week.. And since I've noticed the damaged hair it usually goes right into braids lol
ThinQuinG said:
Heeey! I've been lurking around here for a while now. It's.. It's time for me to post something lol ..I'm excited. This board has helped me alot since I've started reading here, but I still have a long way to go.

Okay so on to my hair...
I'm a 4a/b natural ..I transitioned for about a year and a half
My hair is about 1 inch below my shoulder when straightened
I have terrible heat damage on one side of my head from straightening my hair with heat :( ..Do you guys think this hair will break off, or if I nurture it it can grow out and I'll trim it as I go along?
Umm.. And I'm a college student trying to deal with the HARD water up here.. I've tried clarifying but my hair has been shedding like crazy since I've started.

I don't really have a regimen? I wash once a week.. And since I've noticed the damaged hair it usually goes right into braids lol

Hello ThinQuing,

When I first joined and even when I was lurking, I used to be on my computer drinking coffee until late at night just reading and reading and reading. The thread "Looking for your favorite sticky" gave me so much info. That thread is full of good, useful and effective tips and advice. It offers so much guidance. There's also guides on shedding and breakage you might want to look at. And when you are through reading, you'll have put together a good regimen to start with-- you'll probably also have discovered many of the reasons for your hair problems and how exactly to go about fixing them. Also you can use the search tool to find the "hair twin" thread and read the regimens of any hair twin of yours.