Newbie Desperately Needs Help

The Sweetest B

New Member
Hello everyone,
I am new so please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. In a nutshell I have a wedding to attend in August and I want to look my best. My hair is a THINNING mess. Recently had a cut so I am about collar length with a bang balding temples. Balding temples kinda run in the family, only remember them having some hair years ago when I had a curl. Face is a mess, I get acne on my jawline and they leave black marks. I want my hair to grow 3-4 inches by August and I would like for my complexion to be smooth and clean and even toned. I have been reading the board for a few days all night and even at work. I now have information overload. Can one of you seasoned veterans suggest a game plan for me please. Oh I also have Sebhoric Dermatitis just can't seem to get rid of it but it is not all over. I am also very anemic.

:welcome: :bighug: sorry you are having problems

what is your current hair care regime? what products do you currently use on your hair? what is your everyday style?

What is your current skin care regime? What products do you currently use on your skin?
I'm definitely not a seasoned vet, but I wanted to reply so that you knew you post didn't go unnoticed. Like Kat said before you get advice that is most helpful for you, you should post what you are currently doing.
Thinning temples could have a variety of causes, I think it also runs in my family and before lhcf w/ relaxed hair I had that problem too. I realized I was constantly pulling the area (I have slight trichtillmania). You may also want to reevaluate how you wear head scarves at night.
Regarding the acne, do you wear you hair in your face a lot? Is it greasy?
I'm glad your here, and I'm sure you'll find a reggie and be on your way to looking fabulous by the wedding!:grin:
Hello everyone,
I am new so please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. In a nutshell I have a wedding to attend in August and I want to look my best. My hair is a THINNING mess. Recently had a cut so I am about collar length with a bang balding temples. Balding temples kinda run in the family, only remember them having some hair years ago when I had a curl. Face is a mess, I get acne on my jawline and they leave black marks. I want my hair to grow 3-4 inches by August and I would like for my complexion to be smooth and clean and even toned. I have been reading the board for a few days all night and even at work. I now have information overload. Can one of you seasoned veterans suggest a game plan for me please. Oh I also have Sebhoric Dermatitis just can't seem to get rid of it but it is not all over. I am also very anemic.



(1) Good hair care starts from the inside out. Given your other health issues, I would start a vitamin regimen. I follow Bargello's Regimen (do a search) and add an iron tablet because I am also anemic. Keep in mind, however, a vitamin regimen is USELESS unless you are also committed to drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day (especially if you are taking Biotin).

(2) I think you have to be a little realistic. The first step should be to get your hair healthy. It is probably a little unrealistic for you to expect to get 3-4 inches by August. 1-2 inches is probably more realistic. You might want to check into a growth aid. A lot of people use MN; but there have been some complaints about it causing headaches. I stopped using MN because I was getting sores on my scalp. I now use Boundless Tresses which was developed by Natural Lady (Still A Lady now). If you go this route, ordered the scented because the unscented really smells like sulfur (are you allergic to sulfur--if you are, BT is NOT for you).
Are you being treated for the anemia? I would suggest you get that taken care of ASAP if not. Increasing you water intake daily will give you a boost towards healthier hair and skin. I have the same issues with thinning, and found some natural ways to address it. Please see the SOS folder in my fotki, link in siggy.

Edited to add: anemia is caused by several things, not always iron deficiency. Unless you know the underlying cause for your anemia, refrain from taking iron.
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I'm so sorry you are going through all these things!!:sad:

Eventhough I am far from a veteran, my advice to you is to see your doctor first. You need to take care of your physical health in order for your hair and skin to show any improvement. You also might be going through some stress and that might be causing your hair to thin and your face to break out. You obviously have sensitive skin and scalp, so some of the products recommended on this board might actually aggravate your condition, so do talk to your dermatologist if possible.

Welcome and I hope you are able to get on your way to obtaining a healthy body both inside and out!
I'm not in a position to offer any advice (I'm a newbie as well so I'm still learning:look:). Welcome to LHCF! I'm sure some of the sisters here can help you. Happy hair growing!

My advice:

Aveeno clear complexion facial bar (I use this and it keeps even PMS breakouts at bay) for the acne

Wearing sunscreen (at least SPF 15) protects your skin and helps dark marks fade faster

Keep your hair (like bangs) off your face, b/c the oils from your hair can make you break out.

A multivitamin for the anemia

For the thinning, you want to stop excessive pulling on your scalp (i.e. tight braids or tight ponytails) and excessive brushing (esp. with plastic hard bristle brushes)

Scalp massages with your finger tips can help stimulate circulation and help with hair growth

Lastly, a lot of ladies (myself included) find that greasing the scalp is not necessary. Product on the scalp can clog your scalp pores and hinder growth

Good luck on your hair journey and don't forget to use the search feature. I used it a lot when I joined and it gave me a wealth of info. (without having to sift through thousands of pages).

My advice:

Aveeno clear complexion facial bar (I use this and it keeps even PMS breakouts at bay) for the acne

Wearing sunscreen (at least SPF 15) protects your skin and helps dark marks fade faster

Keep your hair (like bangs) off your face, b/c the oils from your hair can make you break out.

A multivitamin for the anemia

For the thinning, you want to stop excessive pulling on your scalp (i.e. tight braids or tight ponytails) and excessive brushing (esp. with plastic hard bristle brushes)

Scalp massages with your finger tips can help stimulate circulation and help with hair growth

Lastly, a lot of ladies (myself included) find that greasing the scalp is not necessary. Product on the scalp can clog your scalp pores and hinder growth

Good luck on your hair journey and don't forget to use the search feature. I used it a lot when I joined and it gave me a wealth of info. (without having to sift through thousands of pages).

WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! ITA with SEMO. What helps me with keeping breakouts to a minimum is using a facial cleanser with tea tree oil. the only one I really use is desert essence with a facial cloth or scrubber whatever it's called. Drinking lots of water will also help and using a moisturizer with sun screen. I was slightly anemic also and could never donate blood because of it. What i did was just up my iron intake, I can't stand pills so I just started eating more broccoli which i looovveee, liver, greens, and tuna. To help with hair growth I would suggest babying your hair and making slight changes to your regime untIl your comfortable. It took me a while to figure out what to do for my hair problems. You may want to try some of the methods on here such as cowashing for moisture, baggying, protective styles, etc... just don't do to much at a time. Do one or two for about two months or so and see how your hair responds. and lots of stimulation!!!! lol Me being lazy don't massage my scalp, I let the water do it under the shower. :grin: But I hope my little tibit of info helped.

HAPPY HAIR JOURNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone who took the time to say hi or offer insight.
This is my current situation. I have vitamins but I am not consistent. I had read on earth clinic about what multi vitamin you should take and what to look for. So I am taking 2 tbls of Buried Treasure VM 100 complete. It is loaded. In addition to that I have a B Complex 100. I take these as well;
Blood Builder
Flaxseed 1000mg
Vitamin E 400iu
Biotin 1000 mcg
Manganese 50 MG(This stops breakage in days)
Zinc 50mg
Fish Oil Pure Omega 3
MSM 1000 mg( I have not taken much of this because the pills are so big and I am alergic to sulphur, still trying to figure that out)

In my hair recently had a touch up Affirm Mild and a cut.
I just switch to Dr. Miracle Shampoo. I was using Keracare Dry Itchy Scalp shampoo and conditioner. I also use motions deep conditioner sometimes. I like profectiv Phase 3 oil and Breakfree. I try to wash my hair every weekend, I wrap every night and sleep with a satin cap.

I have been struggling with Sebhoric Dermatitis on my sides and a few patches on top.

I am not drinking enough water but I do much better with this when the weather is warmer.
I am Anemic (iron deficiency)

So far from all i have read here I think the Ayurvedic regimens may be best for me to start with. I need to get my scalp healthy first as well as get my anemia under control.
I am also going to add the Silica because I also have pains in my knees this just started happening.

My hair grows even though I have these challenges so the thinning and overall look is a problem. So that is where I am at.
thanks again to all of you wonderful ladies.
WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! ITA with SEMO. What helps me with keeping breakouts to a minimum is using a facial cleanser with tea tree oil. the only one I really use is desert essence with a facial cloth or scrubber whatever it's called. Drinking lots of water will also help and using a moisturizer with sun screen. I was slightly anemic also and could never donate blood because of it. What i did was just up my iron intake, I can't stand pills so I just started eating more broccoli which i looovveee, liver, greens, and tuna. To help with hair growth I would suggest babying your hair and making slight changes to your regime untIl your comfortable. It took me a while to figure out what to do for my hair problems. You may want to try some of the methods on here such as cowashing for moisture, baggying, protective styles, etc... just don't do to much at a time. Do one or two for about two months or so and see how your hair responds. and lots of stimulation!!!! lol Me being lazy don't massage my scalp, I let the water do it under the shower. :grin: But I hope my little tibit of info helped.

HAPPY HAIR JOURNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont wear pony tails, or braids, or weaves. I am pretty basic. I wear my hair down same style everyday. Can't do much more because of my bald temples. I massage some time, and when wash I roller set.
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I ,too, suffer from many of the things you listed with the exception of the thinning around the temples.

Here goes...

Seborrheic Dermititis- My dermititis breaks out in my face as well, the eyebrows and cheeks. I was able to alleviate some the discomfort and scaling by washing my hair weekly and keeping the scalp moisturized. I still have occassional flair ups, but nothing like it was a year ago.

Anemia- You need to consult with a physician about this as to the source of your anemia. I suffer from Alpha Thalassemia Trait or Mild Alpha Thalassemia.

Here's a medical summary: In this condition, the lack of alpha protein is somewhat greater. People with this condition have smaller red blood cells and a mild anemia, although many people do not experience symptoms. However, physicians often mistake mild alpha thalassemia for iron deficiency anemia and prescribe iron supplements that have no effect on the anemia.

Break-outs: See a dermatologist. My derm suggested I wash and moisturize my face with Cetaphil. After 6 wks I returned and was prescribed a topical cream to help deminish the dark spots on my face from acne and scarring from the seborrheic dermatitis. So far so good. My face is clearing and my complexion is evening out.

I hope the information is of some help to you. Good Luck!!!