Newbie-- 4 month Lurker


Active Member
Hey guys...

I'm a newbie....a four month lurker, finally decided to get a subscription. I've learned soooo much just from lurking on these hair forums.

A little about me....always was able to grow long hair relatively easily......had relaxed hair since about 6 or 7. I think My texture is a 3C, 4A, I could be wrong.

Anyway, the reason I started lurking on the long hair care forums is mother has cared for my hair very well from the time I was a baby, until February of this year. I am 27 YEARS OLD, and live a ways from my mother, which meant that every two weeks, she would come visit my husband and I, and wash, blow dry and curl my hair, and give me a touch up around every 8 weeks or so.

No problems there. And like I said, my hair has never been above my shoulders since I remember, except when I cut it in the 7th grade to my ears.

But the reason I started lurking on this forum is this......every 4 to 5 years, I have to do a big chop, and cut like 3, to 4 inches off of my hair, because I get what my mom and I call "dead-ends".

I also have a huge dandruff problem. So I went to the derm to see what was up and found out I have serreboric dermatitus. So he gave me this shampoo to use, and I used it...problem solved.....but I couldn't wait every two weeks, SOOOO I started styling my own hair, (please keep in mind that I never washed my own hair due to issues with tangling that I never knew how to solve while it came effortlessly for my mother).

ANYWAY, I FOUND THIS SITE, and reading the forums gave me confidence to try to do things to my own hair, roller sets, pony tails, wrapping, etc, and I discovered the apple didn't falll far from the tree and I could do my own hair, and do it well, I've gotten lots of compliments....and my mother and father are so proud of me for being able to "tighten my own wig", and make it look fabulous.

Once I learned about how bad it was to use direct heat so much, I did away with the idea of blowdrying and curling my hair, and started wearing a lot more protective styles, and co-washing which helps my scalp a great deal, and shampooing once a week with Loprox, and occasionally using derma smooth to keep flakes under control.

Another great thing I learned is that oil does not moisturise, so I used mostriser (silk elements) then hot six oil to seal my hair.

So I'm here because while I have APL hair (I think according to the charts here), and I have no problem growing BSL hair (I've been there 3 times before in my life), my progress is always halted becasue at some point the hair starts to look dry, lifeless, rough, etc, and then I have to chop to I could have had hair to my waist by now I am sure, but I am confused as to how to keep my hair properly nourished.

So for now cowashing, moisture, oiling my ends twice a day. I'm trying to strike the balance between not carrying the moisture overboard and not having enough on my locks..

Well that's all for now, sorry so long....thank you so much ladies for sharing your secrets and the forum creators for providing a great place for people to share info.
:welcome3::waytogo: on your newfound skills!

ETA: I'm not big on trimming, but we do need to rid ourselves of splits. Do you ever trim, dust or search and destroy (find the individual hairs that are split and cut only those)? This may help with your 3-5 year "dead end" problem. HTH
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Welcome. Good luck on your hair care journey. There are lots of tips on here about how to be self-sufficient.
Day Joy...Thanks for the tips. This is what I've been having my mom do, every time she gives me a perm now, since I think September, I've had her dust my ends. I'm goign to have her dust them after I do a rollerset this weekend as my husband and I are going to visit. The last time She dusted would Have been december, since that was the relaxer before this one. does this sound like a good plan to you, or should I search and destroy ends.

Mom never wants to give me a dusting, I have to beg her, but I really think this is the way to help my ends, so I'm sooooooooooo glad to hear you say this.......that I either need to search and destroy or chop periodically.

:welcome3::waytogo: on your newfound skills!

ETA: I'm not big on trimming, but we do need to rid ourselves of splits. Do you ever trim, dust or search and destroy (find the individual hairs that are split and cut only those)? This may help with your 3-5 year "dead end" problem. HTH